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Bill O"Rielly Is Wrong About The War On Christmas

Bill O'rielly is a highly successful opinion commentator on tv and talk radio.
He gives his opinion on politics as well as social issues.
Hated by conservatives and liberals alike, he considers himself to be the watchdog of evil in the world.
He says that the "Secular Progressives" (Far left socialist types) are waging a war on the institution of Christmas.
Bill O'rielly is wrong! It's a war on Christians.
Christmas is just a high-value target.
People have been fired for wearing cross necklaces.
Crosses that have been part of the landscape for decades are being removed from hilltops and city emblems.
The same kind of attacks are happening with the ten commandments.
Many courthouses have had the ten commandments removed.
I mean chiseled off the building! A sitting judge was fired for refusing to take a copy of the ten commandments down from the courthouse.
Students have been expelled for praying at school.
Students have been prohibited from bringing bibles to school.
None of these instances has anything to do with Christmas.
O'rielly is also wrong about the seculars wanting all religions banished (they can't have power if right and wrong exist).
If you are Muslim, the seculars love you.
Hindus and Wickins are alright with the SP crowd.
Even Jews are not openly ridiculed and punished although it is OK to hate them as many of the Muslim populations do.
It seems that the Christians are the ones to be eradicated although I may be wrong.
It might be that the Christians are just the first pieced to be cleared from the board.
As a Christian, I'm glad O'rielly is on it.
He may be wrong but he's getting closer to the truth all the time.

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