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Internet Marketing - Building Your Own Unique List

There are many ways of marketing online, and the best and most proven method is to build a list then market to that list with an auto responder.
But how do you build a list in the first place well that is the golden question? The first thing that you have to do is to sign up for a auto responder account, then you must make a landing page.
Now, your landing page must be on a subject that you believe in and like what you have to do is find a product to sell it must be a product that lots of people want and buy.
Next you must build a page around the subject, but it should be built around a long tail key phrase which will be in a less competitive market than a general key word.
Don't build a content rich site about running shoes but use a phrase like running shoes for keep fit runners.
This way you are selling the same product but less people will be using that specific term and that means more traffic because you will have a top site in Google if you have done your job right in building a content rich site.
The next thing that you have to do is when you have people coming to you site and leaving there details you have to right your follow up e-mails which include your links (make sure that you don`t spam or that will be the end of that marketing experience).
I recommend 3 e-mails and send 1 e-mail a day, this way people will keep seeing you product.
Next thing to do is to write newsletters these will be sent out when you think it is necessary to generate new sales.
I would say 1-2 a week that way people in your list will not for get what they wanted to buy.
These will still include you link to you product.
The thing is your list keeps getting bigger and you only have to write the items once on my site you can sign up to get more information from real internet marketers that have made the mistakes for you and can give you 1 to 1 guidance and information so you can make money with out it costing you thousands in wasted money and a lot of time getting things wrong and not making any money.

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