Three Things Every Woman Must Do To Protect Herself
Women are most often the targets of violent crimes.
Part of this is due to our generally smaller size and lack of brute strength.
Another contributing factor is our tendency to get easily distracted.
But probably the biggest reason is that many womengo about life unprepared to deal with an attack.
They remain naive about the possibility of a crime occurring or they simply don't know what to do and remain scared.
Luckily, this third factor is the most easily corrected.
Here are the three necessary things you must do to go fromscared to prepared: Educate Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.
- Nelson Mandela I know that Nelson Mandela used the quote in quite a different context, but the truth found in it is universal.
Education is the most powerful weapon.
Take time to learn about danger zones.
Readarticles that includesafety tips.
You may come across one that could help you avoid a bad situation.
If at all possible, take a self defense class.
You can find many long term classes, such as those offered in the martial arts, or a one day training on basic self defense moves.
When it comes to your safety, ignorance definitely is not bliss.
Carry Choose a self defense weapon that you are comfortable with.
While a firearm may be an option, non lethal products are a must have.
It is always better to deter a situation than to have to use lethal force.
This can be done with a quality pepper spray or even a high voltage stun gun.
Just make sure whichever one you purchase comes from a reliable source.
Pepper spray has an expiration date, so you may want to avoid buying one from a local gas station where it has been sitting on a shelf for several years.
Stun guns are electronic devices.
Not all of them are created equal.
There are many inferior units out there that claim to be rechargeable, but will not hold a charge very long.
Or, they may have switches or prongs that break off too easily.
Your best bet is to purchase from someone who is knowledgeable about non lethal self defense, or from a site that specializes in these items.
If you have any questions or doubts about the products, you should be able to contact someone who can answer your questions and help you choose products that best suit your self defense needs and lifestyle.
Train Practice, practice, practice.
I can't say this enough.
Whether it is the new striking move you learned in a class or from a self defense training video, or knowing how your pepper spray deploys, it is critical that you train.
In a crisis situation, several things happen in your body.
One of the first things you lose is your fine motor skills.
This is what allows you to press the stun gun button or take the pepper spray off safety.
Practicing these things during non stressful times will create muscle memory.
In the event of an attack, when your adrenaline begins to flow, your hands will remember what to do.
As women, we may not be able to increase our size or brute strength.
We may always be distracted by our children or our to-do list.
But we can make the choice to prepare ourselves to fight back.
Ready to order a pepper spray you can count on or a stun gun that will do the job? Check out theSafety for Womenpage.
As always, Stay Safe!
Part of this is due to our generally smaller size and lack of brute strength.
Another contributing factor is our tendency to get easily distracted.
But probably the biggest reason is that many womengo about life unprepared to deal with an attack.
They remain naive about the possibility of a crime occurring or they simply don't know what to do and remain scared.
Luckily, this third factor is the most easily corrected.
Here are the three necessary things you must do to go fromscared to prepared: Educate Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.
- Nelson Mandela I know that Nelson Mandela used the quote in quite a different context, but the truth found in it is universal.
Education is the most powerful weapon.
Take time to learn about danger zones.
Readarticles that includesafety tips.
You may come across one that could help you avoid a bad situation.
If at all possible, take a self defense class.
You can find many long term classes, such as those offered in the martial arts, or a one day training on basic self defense moves.
When it comes to your safety, ignorance definitely is not bliss.
Carry Choose a self defense weapon that you are comfortable with.
While a firearm may be an option, non lethal products are a must have.
It is always better to deter a situation than to have to use lethal force.
This can be done with a quality pepper spray or even a high voltage stun gun.
Just make sure whichever one you purchase comes from a reliable source.
Pepper spray has an expiration date, so you may want to avoid buying one from a local gas station where it has been sitting on a shelf for several years.
Stun guns are electronic devices.
Not all of them are created equal.
There are many inferior units out there that claim to be rechargeable, but will not hold a charge very long.
Or, they may have switches or prongs that break off too easily.
Your best bet is to purchase from someone who is knowledgeable about non lethal self defense, or from a site that specializes in these items.
If you have any questions or doubts about the products, you should be able to contact someone who can answer your questions and help you choose products that best suit your self defense needs and lifestyle.
Train Practice, practice, practice.
I can't say this enough.
Whether it is the new striking move you learned in a class or from a self defense training video, or knowing how your pepper spray deploys, it is critical that you train.
In a crisis situation, several things happen in your body.
One of the first things you lose is your fine motor skills.
This is what allows you to press the stun gun button or take the pepper spray off safety.
Practicing these things during non stressful times will create muscle memory.
In the event of an attack, when your adrenaline begins to flow, your hands will remember what to do.
As women, we may not be able to increase our size or brute strength.
We may always be distracted by our children or our to-do list.
But we can make the choice to prepare ourselves to fight back.
Ready to order a pepper spray you can count on or a stun gun that will do the job? Check out theSafety for Womenpage.
As always, Stay Safe!