Opentracker Launches in Thailand
Visual Orange Co.
, Ltd acknowledges the important contribution of the Internet and the value it can add to the results of our corporate when used properly.
Strategy, analysis and research are keywords for the effective managing of E-commerce and Portals which should be fit to Return of Investment and generate profit.
Internet sales are still rising.
Information Technology research and advisory firms as Gartner are predicting a solid grow, in fact it grows 24 hours a day, and that is why we introduce Opentracker to marketers and webmasters in Thailand.
Opentracker specializes in visitor tracking and website analytics for businesses that are serious about understanding online customers.
Opentracker build tools and web based applications with the purpose to support business objectives.
This means Opentracker also develop informed advertisement, define content management decisions and create investment strategies concerning the online portfolio.
By storing millions of user profiles and click streams, webmasters using Opentracker receive access to unparalleled historical visitor data in a concise, user-friendly format.
Opentracker is set to become a leading contender in website analytics, an essential tool in today's online marketing.
Nowadays very few competitive webmasters work without website tracking.
The information you can learn from a tracking system starts with basic stats, such as how many unique visitors you have had in a certain period, and which countries they are from.
A 'live' tracking system such as Opentracker displays who is visiting your site in real-time.
There is a certain thrill watching visitors browsing your site in real-time and being able to see which cities they are from.
One outstanding feature of Opentracker is the capability to reveal the company name from which the visitor is accessing your web site.
Practically speaking, this means that statistics must be considered as more than just numbers.
The stats must become information upon which decisions are based: the data must provide a clear path of action.
This means that they host both your statistics and the software application.
The great benefit of this is a reduced need for technical staff and servers, as you are out-sourcing your technological requirements to Opentracker.
To get started, you need access to your pages through a web site editor.
Your unique Opentracker code needs to be inserted into every page that you or your webmaster wishes to track.
The code is a single line of JavaScript, identical for all pages.
Once the code is properly inserted, your single technical hurdle has been passed with flying colors.
This leaves you with one technical requirement: a functioning connection to the Internet, so that you can login to your stats.
Technologies that can be tracked: All html based web pages, including the following extensions:
All types of forum and bulletin boards; including Phpbb, Vbulletin, UltimateBB etc.
All kinds of web shops; including StoreFront.
Shopfactory, Salescart, etc.
Numerous blogs; including Blogger, Movable Type, Livejournal etc.
Intranet pages (as long as the visitor has an open Internet connection).
Opentracker provides various languages such as Thai, English, German and Russian.
Planned is to release versions in Japanese, Taiwanese and Chinese.
The pricing is not based on the number of features used, but on a monthly limit of 100,000 page views recorded per standard account.
The reason for this is that Opentracker costs correlate almost directly with traffic, meaning bandwidth usage and server load.
These are by far the most expensive operating costs.
To host your Opentracker uses high-end dual Xeon servers, to ensure stability.
They maintain these servers 24/7, which is another significant cost.
These servers are high quality, and more expensive than the average server.
Opentracker feel that security in storing the data is worth the price, in terms of reducing risk.
As introduction to the Thai market a one month free trial without any functional limitations is offered to every webmaster, marketer or seo company in Thailand at: http://www.
th Reason for this is, that Opentracker prefer that clients have the opportunity to first test there services for four weeks, to find out if our services cover all their needs, as well as give Opentracker an indication of how busy their site is.
Opentracker offers free tracking services to non-profit organizations active in environmental or human development in Thailand.
All organizations are eligible to apply.
Thai and international environmental organizations operating in Thailand are encouraged to apply.
Please contact Visual Orange Co.
, Ltd.
for more information: 95/9-10 M.
5 krungsrithanee village, Ayutthaya-Pamoke rd.
Tambon Wattoom, District PranakhonsriAyutthaya, Province Ayutthaya 13000, Thailand.
th info@visualorange.
th Tel:+66 (0)35 268737 Tel:+66 (0)35 231214 Fax:+66 (0)35 231264
, Ltd acknowledges the important contribution of the Internet and the value it can add to the results of our corporate when used properly.
Strategy, analysis and research are keywords for the effective managing of E-commerce and Portals which should be fit to Return of Investment and generate profit.
Internet sales are still rising.
Information Technology research and advisory firms as Gartner are predicting a solid grow, in fact it grows 24 hours a day, and that is why we introduce Opentracker to marketers and webmasters in Thailand.
Opentracker specializes in visitor tracking and website analytics for businesses that are serious about understanding online customers.
Opentracker build tools and web based applications with the purpose to support business objectives.
This means Opentracker also develop informed advertisement, define content management decisions and create investment strategies concerning the online portfolio.
By storing millions of user profiles and click streams, webmasters using Opentracker receive access to unparalleled historical visitor data in a concise, user-friendly format.
Opentracker is set to become a leading contender in website analytics, an essential tool in today's online marketing.
Nowadays very few competitive webmasters work without website tracking.
The information you can learn from a tracking system starts with basic stats, such as how many unique visitors you have had in a certain period, and which countries they are from.
A 'live' tracking system such as Opentracker displays who is visiting your site in real-time.
There is a certain thrill watching visitors browsing your site in real-time and being able to see which cities they are from.
One outstanding feature of Opentracker is the capability to reveal the company name from which the visitor is accessing your web site.
Practically speaking, this means that statistics must be considered as more than just numbers.
The stats must become information upon which decisions are based: the data must provide a clear path of action.
- Opentracker vision: measuring "Human" events as web site Performance Indicators
- Focus on visitors and not pages, as indicators of web site performance
- Measurement of "Human" events, as opposed to hits and dialogues on servers
- Using stats: provide advice to turn numbers into strategies
- Provide the tools for webmasters to decide when and how to update content
This means that they host both your statistics and the software application.
The great benefit of this is a reduced need for technical staff and servers, as you are out-sourcing your technological requirements to Opentracker.
To get started, you need access to your pages through a web site editor.
Your unique Opentracker code needs to be inserted into every page that you or your webmaster wishes to track.
The code is a single line of JavaScript, identical for all pages.
Once the code is properly inserted, your single technical hurdle has been passed with flying colors.
This leaves you with one technical requirement: a functioning connection to the Internet, so that you can login to your stats.
Technologies that can be tracked: All html based web pages, including the following extensions:
- .
html - .
htm - .
asp(x) - .
php - .
jsp - .
All types of forum and bulletin boards; including Phpbb, Vbulletin, UltimateBB etc.
All kinds of web shops; including StoreFront.
Shopfactory, Salescart, etc.
Numerous blogs; including Blogger, Movable Type, Livejournal etc.
Intranet pages (as long as the visitor has an open Internet connection).
Opentracker provides various languages such as Thai, English, German and Russian.
Planned is to release versions in Japanese, Taiwanese and Chinese.
The pricing is not based on the number of features used, but on a monthly limit of 100,000 page views recorded per standard account.
The reason for this is that Opentracker costs correlate almost directly with traffic, meaning bandwidth usage and server load.
These are by far the most expensive operating costs.
To host your Opentracker uses high-end dual Xeon servers, to ensure stability.
They maintain these servers 24/7, which is another significant cost.
These servers are high quality, and more expensive than the average server.
Opentracker feel that security in storing the data is worth the price, in terms of reducing risk.
As introduction to the Thai market a one month free trial without any functional limitations is offered to every webmaster, marketer or seo company in Thailand at: http://www.
th Reason for this is, that Opentracker prefer that clients have the opportunity to first test there services for four weeks, to find out if our services cover all their needs, as well as give Opentracker an indication of how busy their site is.
Opentracker offers free tracking services to non-profit organizations active in environmental or human development in Thailand.
All organizations are eligible to apply.
Thai and international environmental organizations operating in Thailand are encouraged to apply.
Please contact Visual Orange Co.
, Ltd.
for more information: 95/9-10 M.
5 krungsrithanee village, Ayutthaya-Pamoke rd.
Tambon Wattoom, District PranakhonsriAyutthaya, Province Ayutthaya 13000, Thailand.
th info@visualorange.
th Tel:+66 (0)35 268737 Tel:+66 (0)35 231214 Fax:+66 (0)35 231264