One Simple Change That Will Get Your Girlfriend Back
She doesn't want you back, eh? Or so you think, anyway.
It's been days, weeks, even months since the breakup, and still no response from your ex girlfriend.
So what now? First the good news: chances are good that your ex still loves you...
or at the very LEAST still has feelings for you.
Women are extremely emotional creatures: they latch on and get attached a lot easier than men do.
Over the course of your relationship you went cool places, did fun things, and made amazing memories that your ex will cherish forever.
These things formed strong emotional attachments to you that aren't likely to be broken anytime soon.
So if that's the case, why doesn't your girlfriend want you back? I mean you've said you're sorry, you've promised to change...
you even sent flowers with a really cool handwritten letter attached.
You've done everything possible to get your ex to take you back, so why isn't she responding? Well truth be told, everything listed above is exactly why your ex girlfriend doesn't want you right now.
You've done exactly the opposite of what you should be doing, and you've driven her further away than ever before.
You begged, you pleaded, maybe you even shed a tear...
think that's going to get your girlfriend back? Maybe in the movies, but not in real life.
In doing these things you've actually turned your ex off.
She sees you as weak and needy, instead of strong and confident.
And which of those traits do you think she's looking for in a guy? While many women have different tastes, certain things are universal.
Girls want a happy, fun, strong, independent guy to sweep them off their feet and dazzle them with unfailing confidence.
Your ex wants a guy who can put his arm around her and take care of her, yet here you are demonstrating that you can't even take care of yourself.
And have you promised to change? Did you tell her things would be different this time around? Expecting your girlfriend to believe you here is just plain silly.
She knows you're only saying these things to get her back, and you look pretty desperate to boot.
Instead of standing strong on your own two feet, you're showing her the weakest possible side of you.
Your ex doesn't want a guy who relies on her for happiness, she wants a guy who will make her happy.
Flowers, gifts, sappy love notes...
these things only make your ex less and less attracted to you.
Over time you're not even a man anymore, you're just a sad puppy chasing her around.
She'll dangle a treat here and there, then point at you and call you 'cute'...
right before going off and dating someone else.
The change you need to get your ex girlfriend back is simple: being cool, calm, and infallibly confident.
You need to be totally fine after the break up - out with friends, having fun.
You should be laughing and joking and doing the things you like best, independent of whether or not she's watching.
Because when your ex girlfriend eventually gets wind of how indestructibly confident you are? She's suddenly going to notice you again in a VERY positive way.
Making her miss you, getting back in her life again...
these things come later.
Right now you need to focus inwardly on yourself, and on making yourself into as attractive a package as possible.
You need to be someone your ex girlfriend would actually want to date, exactly as you were before.
In learning how to reverse your breakup, it's insane to move forward without first getting help.
The more knowledge you can arm yourself with right now, the faster and easier it will be to get her back later on.
Thinking you can just 'wing it' is crazy; you need a step by step plan of attack detailing exactly what you should do and when you should be doing it.
It's been days, weeks, even months since the breakup, and still no response from your ex girlfriend.
So what now? First the good news: chances are good that your ex still loves you...
or at the very LEAST still has feelings for you.
Women are extremely emotional creatures: they latch on and get attached a lot easier than men do.
Over the course of your relationship you went cool places, did fun things, and made amazing memories that your ex will cherish forever.
These things formed strong emotional attachments to you that aren't likely to be broken anytime soon.
So if that's the case, why doesn't your girlfriend want you back? I mean you've said you're sorry, you've promised to change...
you even sent flowers with a really cool handwritten letter attached.
You've done everything possible to get your ex to take you back, so why isn't she responding? Well truth be told, everything listed above is exactly why your ex girlfriend doesn't want you right now.
You've done exactly the opposite of what you should be doing, and you've driven her further away than ever before.
You begged, you pleaded, maybe you even shed a tear...
think that's going to get your girlfriend back? Maybe in the movies, but not in real life.
In doing these things you've actually turned your ex off.
She sees you as weak and needy, instead of strong and confident.
And which of those traits do you think she's looking for in a guy? While many women have different tastes, certain things are universal.
Girls want a happy, fun, strong, independent guy to sweep them off their feet and dazzle them with unfailing confidence.
Your ex wants a guy who can put his arm around her and take care of her, yet here you are demonstrating that you can't even take care of yourself.
And have you promised to change? Did you tell her things would be different this time around? Expecting your girlfriend to believe you here is just plain silly.
She knows you're only saying these things to get her back, and you look pretty desperate to boot.
Instead of standing strong on your own two feet, you're showing her the weakest possible side of you.
Your ex doesn't want a guy who relies on her for happiness, she wants a guy who will make her happy.
Flowers, gifts, sappy love notes...
these things only make your ex less and less attracted to you.
Over time you're not even a man anymore, you're just a sad puppy chasing her around.
She'll dangle a treat here and there, then point at you and call you 'cute'...
right before going off and dating someone else.
The change you need to get your ex girlfriend back is simple: being cool, calm, and infallibly confident.
You need to be totally fine after the break up - out with friends, having fun.
You should be laughing and joking and doing the things you like best, independent of whether or not she's watching.
Because when your ex girlfriend eventually gets wind of how indestructibly confident you are? She's suddenly going to notice you again in a VERY positive way.
Making her miss you, getting back in her life again...
these things come later.
Right now you need to focus inwardly on yourself, and on making yourself into as attractive a package as possible.
You need to be someone your ex girlfriend would actually want to date, exactly as you were before.
In learning how to reverse your breakup, it's insane to move forward without first getting help.
The more knowledge you can arm yourself with right now, the faster and easier it will be to get her back later on.
Thinking you can just 'wing it' is crazy; you need a step by step plan of attack detailing exactly what you should do and when you should be doing it.