Australia Must Secure More Friends and Allies
Australia is a great nation, few could argue, and some say she's one of the only nations left that has resources, know-how, money, and a free government.
Indeed, that is a very viable combination, and it's true she's got all that and more, which happens to make Australia a very important nation at this juncture of human history, very important no doubt.
But what does all that really mean you ask? Well, it means a lot.
You see, as nations like India and China grow up, they'll need massive amounts of resources, know how, and assistance.
The war for resources, territory, and sovereignty is just beginning.
An observer might say, "those that plan on winning it, need to get busy and get ready, here she comes.
" And too that point, without trying to alarm anyone out there, I'd like to point out an interesting reality of history; Japan bombed Pearl Harbor due to trade disputes and resources; Steel, Oil, and Rubber remember? Australia has superior advantages all the way around, but she's at a critical period.
Indonesia is predominantly Islamic, and Australians are predominately Christian, this alone provides a bit of tension as you might understand.
Of course, being in the position to sell raw materials to China, India, Japan, and the rest of Asia gives Australians a leg-up on the world for now and to make sure she's ready to get there, she must continue robust diplomatic relations in that part of the world and make more friends in other parts of the World.
Luckily, Australia is a good friend and ally of the USA, but she must also temper that reality with the issues of all the nations surround her northern latitudes.
Please consider all this.
Indeed, that is a very viable combination, and it's true she's got all that and more, which happens to make Australia a very important nation at this juncture of human history, very important no doubt.
But what does all that really mean you ask? Well, it means a lot.
You see, as nations like India and China grow up, they'll need massive amounts of resources, know how, and assistance.
The war for resources, territory, and sovereignty is just beginning.
An observer might say, "those that plan on winning it, need to get busy and get ready, here she comes.
" And too that point, without trying to alarm anyone out there, I'd like to point out an interesting reality of history; Japan bombed Pearl Harbor due to trade disputes and resources; Steel, Oil, and Rubber remember? Australia has superior advantages all the way around, but she's at a critical period.
Indonesia is predominantly Islamic, and Australians are predominately Christian, this alone provides a bit of tension as you might understand.
Of course, being in the position to sell raw materials to China, India, Japan, and the rest of Asia gives Australians a leg-up on the world for now and to make sure she's ready to get there, she must continue robust diplomatic relations in that part of the world and make more friends in other parts of the World.
Luckily, Australia is a good friend and ally of the USA, but she must also temper that reality with the issues of all the nations surround her northern latitudes.
Please consider all this.