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How to Use Fresh Herbs to Make Air Freshener


    • 1). Place the herbs into a paper bag to dry them. Poke a few holes in the bag to ventilate it.

    • 2). Shake the bag of herbs and check it every day to see if the herbs are dry. It takes about five to 10 days to dry herbs using this method.

    • 3). Put the dried herbs into a small cloth bag and tie it with a ribbon. Now you have a pretty sachet you can place in your car or around your home.


    • 1). Place chopped, fresh herbs into a bowl to make air freshener spray. Add orange or lemon peels and about 1½ cups of almost-hot water.

    • 2). Place plastic wrap tightly over the bowl. Allow it to sit overnight.

    • 3). Strain the scented water into a spray bottle using a coffee filter. Spray water around your home or car to scent it naturally.

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