Getting My Ex Back Quickly - Completely Worth It
I recently broke up with my boyfriend after three years, and I have to admit, I thought about getting my ex back for several months after that occurred.
I'd realized I'd made a mistake, and I wanted to get back together.
The question was, how to do it? We'd had a pretty good relationship...
but I'd met someone else who was a bit more...
I suppose exotic is the term.
Well, he turned out to be too exotic, and I grew tired of him pretty darn quick.
So I set about getting my ex back...
and since my ex is such a great guy, it happened.
So, what advice can I give to other people who have broken up? Well, it all pretty much depends on the circumstances.
Some people...
you don't want to get back together with.
Abusive or controlling - they're no good for you, whether they're guys trying to tell you you can't go to work, or girls trying to tell you you can't watch football every Sunday.
(As an aside, I love football, and my guy and I sit in front of the TV all day Sunday watching those games!) Getting my ex back was easy, but it isn't for most people, I have to admit.
Most people have issues.
They broke up over infidelity, or something harsh like that.
In those cases, you really wonder if you even want to get your ex back.
I mean, come on...
if they cheated on you once they might cheat on you again.
But if you decide you want your ex back, you need to proceed cautiously.
Talk to your ex, see what they're feelings are.
If they're already in a committed relationship, you don't want to mess with it.
That's just a no win situation.
Indeed, in those cases, the best thing you can do is just move on.
I'd realized I'd made a mistake, and I wanted to get back together.
The question was, how to do it? We'd had a pretty good relationship...
but I'd met someone else who was a bit more...
I suppose exotic is the term.
Well, he turned out to be too exotic, and I grew tired of him pretty darn quick.
So I set about getting my ex back...
and since my ex is such a great guy, it happened.
So, what advice can I give to other people who have broken up? Well, it all pretty much depends on the circumstances.
Some people...
you don't want to get back together with.
Abusive or controlling - they're no good for you, whether they're guys trying to tell you you can't go to work, or girls trying to tell you you can't watch football every Sunday.
(As an aside, I love football, and my guy and I sit in front of the TV all day Sunday watching those games!) Getting my ex back was easy, but it isn't for most people, I have to admit.
Most people have issues.
They broke up over infidelity, or something harsh like that.
In those cases, you really wonder if you even want to get your ex back.
I mean, come on...
if they cheated on you once they might cheat on you again.
But if you decide you want your ex back, you need to proceed cautiously.
Talk to your ex, see what they're feelings are.
If they're already in a committed relationship, you don't want to mess with it.
That's just a no win situation.
Indeed, in those cases, the best thing you can do is just move on.