Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

The Basic Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy

Pregnancy is such a critical phase for both the mother and her child. This is because if anything goes wrong during the process of pregnancy, the mother and her child will be put at risk. This is more dangerous than it seems because complications during pregnancy are potentially fatal for the mother, or child, or both. For some women, the danger is not the pregnancy itself, but rather it's because some women may be unaware or may just ignore the signs and symptoms of pregnancy and may just continue with their usual lifestyle. On the other hand, some women just dismiss the signs and symptoms of pregnancy as nothing more than just another type of illness, which can actually be very detrimental in the long run.

Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy to Watch Out

What are the basic signs and symptoms of pregnancy? The following are some of those signs and symptoms that women encounter when they are pregnant:

1) A missed period. This is one of the most reliable signs of pregnancy. This is because there can be no other reason for a woman to miss her period unless she has been postponing it by taking pills. Moreover, a missed period is a highly reliable sign, especially if the woman's period is as regular as a clock. But then again, there is probably no better sign to indicate pregnancy other than a missed period.

2) Morning sickness. The kind of "sickness" covered by the term can range the whole gamut of human complaints. The nomenclature is not even that accurate. For some, the "sickness" may come at night or in other parts of the day other than during morning. But just the same, it is typical for women to experience a queasy feeling or may even vomit. Only about half of pregnant women go through this, so it may not be an accurate measurement of pregnancy. However, if bouts of morning sickness is coupled with missed periods, then it may be a tell tale sign of pregnancy.

3) Soreness in the breast. The tenderness in the breast is one of the signs of pregnancy. However, it also occurs prior to the menstrual period. For a pregnant woman, the soreness may go away during the second trimester or it may yet increase in sensation.

4) Frequent headaches. Headaches during pregnancy are caused mainly by changes in the woman's hormones. However, one should be careful not to confuse headaches caused by pregnancy from those caused by stress.

5) Bloating. A pregnant woman feels bloated, but then again, there are also other instances, other than when pregnant, that may cause a woman to feel bloated.

6) Vaginal discharge. There are other causes of vaginal discharge, usually from infection. However, vaginal discharge during pregnancy is not accompanied by an itchy or burning sensation. The discharge is part of the natural process of pregnancy when the cervix is building up mucous to block the opening of the cervix. This process will help protect your baby from possible infections.

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