Business & Finance Home Based Business

Sales Skills Needed for Your Successful Home Based Business

Sales Skills Needed for Your Successful Home Based Business

By Michael Griep

First of all we need to define sales skills, and remove the negative stereotypes which surround the typical "salesman."  Ask anyone who has not engaged in a sales career, and often their perception of the sales trade is exactly opposite of that of a successful salesperson.

As you pursue your home based business, you'll want  to consistently pay attention to the following.

A. Pushiness and aggressiveness does not sell. It turns people off and often makes them defensive. Being courteously assertive and persistent is what your aiming for. This is a skill which anyone can better at. Think of the last major purchase you made where the sales process was seamless. I would suspect your needs or desires were identified, and the salesperson simply provided you a solution which you purchased. Fact is, most home based businesses offer a credible product or service.

B. The expression you have 2 ears  and 1 mouth, because you need to listen twice as much as you speak, is key to selling successfully in any home based business. People will tell you what you want if you simply ask directive questions and listen. Avoid trying to give too much information, it will usually confuse most people, and they will not be able to make an educated decision. The great thing about home based businesses is most people who are considering are usually serious about starting something. Identify first what they want, and then and only then, can the decision if your home based business suits their needs. I can't stress this point enough. The mistake most salespeople make is talking too much, and talking past the close.

C. Let's identify the sales process. On a sheet of paper draw a line. On the far left write warm-up. In the middle of the line write presentation, and at the far right put in close. On top of the presentation draw in several arrows pointing to the line and label trial closes. Let's discuss. When you are first introduced to your prospect usually via telephone you want to form a connection and establish rapport (warm-up). Remember, people will purchase your home based business opportunity if they feel comfortable with you. Talk about their past work experiences, their family, goals etc. You'll know when you've established rapport, and then its time to begin your presentation of your home based business. The trial closes are merely questions or comments you ask in order to provide feedback, and hopefully tacit consent or buy in to your home based business. Don't make the mistake of speeding through your business providing endless details. You need to get feedback from your prospect. Think of trial closes as mini closes with a cumulative effect. The more favorable response and interaction you receive during your presentation, the easier the actual close will be. Think of trial closes as the process we all go through before we buy a pair of shoes. We try them on, walk down the aisle, view in the floor mirror from different angles. These are all trial closes which allow you to comfortably purchase the shoes and leave the store. After all, most people know their shoe size, but I'm willing to guess in the history of man, no one has ever walked in a store and bought a pair of shoes without going through that ritual.

D. Whether the home based business you are discussing is inexpensive ( a few hundred dollars) or high end ( thousands of dollars), it really isn't important. If your prospect is qualified and properly informed, the decision process is the same. If your presentation was interactive, and tacit consent through trial closes was given, then simply assume he/she will join. Think of a traffic light between your presentation and the close. Once your presentation is complete, the traffic light will be red, green or yellow. It may be your prospect is not interested in your home based business. That's a "red" light, and it happens, don't beat yourself up. Occasionally the light is "green." Move quickly to the close and discuss financial arrangements. Pat yourself on the back for a job well done. Most prospects will see a "yellow" light. There's a degree of caution, and they could stop or proceed forward. Usually they see "yellow" because they need a little more information or direction. Success is made in home based businesses by people who can help those "yellow" viewers see "green."

Volumes of material have been written about sales techniques. It is my hope this article has provided some insight to help you increase sales in your home based business. Follow me in future articles and I'll reveal more proven sales methods.

Good Luck


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