Has the Economy Got You Down?
We are in a deep financial crisis and it's only going to get worse before it gets better.
You hear it everyday on the news about the situation America is in.
You have to ask yourself who's fault is it? I'm not an economist, but you can look at financial planning as the problem that we are in today.
People put too much debt on their credit cards and mortgages and it really hurt them.
Businesses were able to do whatever they wanted including giving big bonuses despite them asking for a bailout from the government.
Foreclosures are on the rise and businesses are closing down everyday.
Amid all this negativity, I stay positive and believe the situation will get better.
The problems going on in America have forced others to look outside for jobs.
That is one of the main reasons I am overseas right now due to this very concern.
My main advice is don't borrow more than you can afford and watch your spending.
It looks like we are listening to the advice because Americans are cutting back on their spending and lenders are being more cautious about "giving away" loans.
When you look back at what was going on, the banks were literally giving money away to people who really couldn't afford the homes.
Living paycheck to paycheck, and when the recession hit and jobs were lost people couldn't afford to pay their mortgages.
I also read a book that changed my life and I recommend this book to you.
It is called The Four Hour Work Week.
The book basically teaches you how to manage your life and gives you an insight of how the "New Rich" live.
Wouldn't it be cool to travel to Buenos Aires for a weekend to do Tango, then fly over to Madrid, Spain the next week to enjoy some Spanish cuisine? This is the life of the "New Rich.
" Check out that book and also Rich Dad Poor Dad, which will give you a really good insight to the mind of someone who was very successful despite economic hardships.
Despite the situation we are in today, keep your head up and begin to find ways to better prioritize your life.
Situations like the one we are in today bring out the best in people.
We will get through this recession and we will prevail.
You hear it everyday on the news about the situation America is in.
You have to ask yourself who's fault is it? I'm not an economist, but you can look at financial planning as the problem that we are in today.
People put too much debt on their credit cards and mortgages and it really hurt them.
Businesses were able to do whatever they wanted including giving big bonuses despite them asking for a bailout from the government.
Foreclosures are on the rise and businesses are closing down everyday.
Amid all this negativity, I stay positive and believe the situation will get better.
The problems going on in America have forced others to look outside for jobs.
That is one of the main reasons I am overseas right now due to this very concern.
My main advice is don't borrow more than you can afford and watch your spending.
It looks like we are listening to the advice because Americans are cutting back on their spending and lenders are being more cautious about "giving away" loans.
When you look back at what was going on, the banks were literally giving money away to people who really couldn't afford the homes.
Living paycheck to paycheck, and when the recession hit and jobs were lost people couldn't afford to pay their mortgages.
I also read a book that changed my life and I recommend this book to you.
It is called The Four Hour Work Week.
The book basically teaches you how to manage your life and gives you an insight of how the "New Rich" live.
Wouldn't it be cool to travel to Buenos Aires for a weekend to do Tango, then fly over to Madrid, Spain the next week to enjoy some Spanish cuisine? This is the life of the "New Rich.
" Check out that book and also Rich Dad Poor Dad, which will give you a really good insight to the mind of someone who was very successful despite economic hardships.
Despite the situation we are in today, keep your head up and begin to find ways to better prioritize your life.
Situations like the one we are in today bring out the best in people.
We will get through this recession and we will prevail.