Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Standing Firm With Your Dreams

To have a dream is to be visionary, optimistic, courageous and self believing. Your own internal measurements are first and foremost the most important. However occasionally you will need to seek external feedback on your progress towards your goals.

My message I give to you is, when you do, be sure it is from people who are truly interested in seeing you succeed. Avoid the dream stealer like the plague. These are, some negative friends, competitive peers or any person who doesn't have your best interest at heart.

 ''Neutral doesn't count.''

Seek feedback from someone who is on your side, wanting you to succeed, but will still be objective and honest with you. Avoid joining the misery crowd, as they are always on the look out for new members.

''Misery truly does love company, don't make it your company.''

If your dreams and goals call for you to surpass the achievements of your particular social crowd, business or work colleagues. Be sure to look out for the bow and arrow of those who are wishing you were back where they are.

''Dodge the snide remarks and catty comments, let them roll right off your back.''

Now before I leave you here's one last culprit associated with stealing your dreams away, and that is FEAR!

  • False

  • Evidence

  • Appearing

  • Real

Fear destroys fortunes, relationships, confidence, career success, your personal dreams and ultimate happiness. When we are fearful we avoid the things that matter most, the things that will make the difference to our lives our situation and will lead us to live in harmony with our beliefs, values, wants and desire. Fear, if left unresolved can destroy our lives it is one of the many enemies lurking inside us.

I advice you to do battle with fear and build your courage to fight what's holding you back. So you can set yourself free and achieve what you may had once thought was the impossible.

Look out for more up coming article., until then.

Let's do something amazing!

Marcella Simon

Health and Lifestyle Coach

''The future is yours, see it, believe it and take it.''

Marcella Simon is a Professional Life Coach, writer and trainer. She's the founder and director of Find The True You, helping both men and women to achieve their personal goals and career goals. Marcella invites her clients to review where they are now and where they want to be in the future. Together they create a strategy for getting to where they want to be and define the actions that will produce the desired results.

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