Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

Types of High Purity Pipe

    Polypropylene Pipe

    • Polypropylene is known as the lightest weight piping material that contains a good chemical resistance, strength, and non-toxicity; it has ultra-clean pipe walls for numerous water applications including deionized water, reverse osmosis water, and ultrapure water. Polypropylene has a high internal pressure resistance, a durable lifetime in high temperatures --- as high as 195 degrees Fahrenheit --- and an high impact strength for freezing temperatures.

    Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe

    • Polyvinyl chloride pipe is the most commonly used plastic piping material around the world because of its durability, safety, cost-effectiveness and easy installation. It is made for several sizing systems so that it can be used in water mains, sewers, conduits, drain waste and condensate lines. In addition, it also has a place in industrial use and subsurface irrigation systems. PVC pipes typically use joining methods such as solvent welding and gasketed bell-end joints. The pipes are generally used in systems that are resistant to fungi and bacteria for industries such as pharmaceutical, and food and beverage.

    Polyvinylidene Fluoride Pipe

    • Polyvinylidene fluoride pipes are used in chemical and industrial applications that require chemical resistance and higher temperatures. Also known as "Kynar," PVDF pipes are known as the most chemically resistant and can handle temperatures as high as 275 degrees Fahrenheit. On most occasions, it is joined by heat fusion and is used in the area that involves chemicals, nuclear waste, and food and pharmaceutical processing. PVDF pipes do not rust or rouge over time and will maintain purity during its entire length of installation.

    Stainless Steel Pipe

    • Stainless steel pipe is generally used because of its cleanliness and resistance to corrosion, erosion, oxidation and temperature. Systems such as chilled water, compressed air, condensed water and domestic water often use stainless steel pipes to run cycles through office buildings or laboratories. According to the Mechanical Contracting Education & Research Foundation, stainless steel pipe is usually more expensive than other piping materials but is widely used due to its "superior life cycle cost."

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