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How to Check the Float Switch on a Maytag Dishwasher

    Inspect the Float

    • 1). Disconnect power to the Maytag dishwasher at the circuit breaker. The circuit breaker should be marked on the inside panel of the circuit breaker box. Attempt to turn the dishwasher on to ensure the power is off.

    • 2). Open the Maytag dishwasher door and examine the float. The float is the protruding plastic piece on the bottom corner that resembles an upside-down cup. Lift the float with your fingers until it stops. Release the float, and it should drop down freely. If it does not drop down freely, it might require cleaning or the float switch might be faulty.

    • 3). Pull the float straight up until it stops, and angle it until it unsnaps from the float switch. Clean under the float and the bottom of the dishwasher around the switch with a rag. This removes any food debris that might interfere with the float operation. Push the float back onto the switch until it clicks into place.

    Test the Float Switch

    • 1). Close the dishwasher door and remove the screws securing the lower access panel to the dishwasher, with a Phillips screwdriver. Pull the access panel away from the dishwasher. Find the float switch under the dishwasher. The float switch is directly under the float and has two wires.

    • 2). Place a piece of masking tape around the uppermost wire. This helps identify the wire for reinstallation. The wire with the masking tape connects to the upper float switch terminal. Pull the ends of each wire off the float switch terminals. If necessary, use a pair of needle-nose pliers to pull the wire ends free from the terminals.

    • 3). Set the multimeter scale to test for Ohms at the X1 setting. Touch one multimeter probe to one of the float switch terminals and the other probe to the remaining terminal. The reading on your multimeter scale should be zero or infinity. Any other reading indicates a faulty switch in need of replacement.

    • 4). Press the switch button down with your finger while holding the probes on the terminals. The reading on the scale should be opposite the previous reading. If the scale read zero on the first test, it should read infinity on the second test. If it does not, replace the float switch.

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