Society & Culture & Entertainment Games

Icebreaker Group Activities for Adolescent Girls

    Candy Colors

    Matching Pairs

    • Choose the names of several famous couples or pairs. Write one name on each of several sheets of blank paper. Tape one of these papers to the back of each of the teen girls in the group. Have each girl find the right famous person who completes the couple or pair by asking each other only yes or no questions.

    Great Egg Drop

    • For a messier, but more creative, icebreaker divide the girls into small groups of approximately four or five individuals. The object of this group activity is to creatively devise the best way to protect a raw egg from breaking when dropped from a high elevation. Provide the groups with materials they can use to cushion the egg, such as newspaper, masking tape, straws and any other materials that they could use for building.

    Toilet Paper Round Robin

    • Gather girls into a large circle, or break a very large group up into smaller circles of 10 to 12 girls. Hand a new roll of toilet paper out to each group circle. Without explaining what the paper will be used for, instruct the girls to take as much of the roll as they feel they will need to complete the game. Once the paper has been passed to each group member explain that they each must share one thing about themselves for each piece of toilet paper they have.

    Secret Stickers

    • Provide the same number of stickers to each teen. Let the teens know that the object of the game is to be the first one to get rid of all her stickers. To get rid of them, however, the teens must stick them on other teens in the group without getting caught. If they get caught putting a sticker on another group member they must take one of the stickers from the member who caught them in the act.

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