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How do I Remove OS Choices on Boot in Vista?

    • 1). Log into Windows Vista as an administrator account.

    • 2). Hold down the "SHIFT" key on your keyboard and right-click on any blank area (not on an icon or widget) on the desktop. Click "Open Command Window Here."

    • 3). Type "bcdedit.exe" into the command prompt and press "ENTER" on your keyboard to display the current boot options. Each object in the Boot Configuration Data Editor has a unique identifier. Locate the identifier under the operating system heading that you want to remove.

    • 4). Type "bcdedit /delete {id} /f", but replace "id" with the identifier code for the operating system choice you want to remove. Press the "ENTER" key on your keyboard.

    • 5). Type "bcdedit.exe" again and review the changes that have been made to the Boot Configuration Data Editor. Repeat step 4 to remove any additional operating system choices when booting up Windows Vista.

    • 6). Restart your computer to complete the changes. If the operating system choice(s) you have removed in the Boot Configuration Data Editor don't appear as a startup option, then the process has been successfully completed.

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