Tips to Help You Meditate
Meditation is not an exact science there are many ways that you can meditate and there are many things that you can do when you want to meditate.
However there are also things that can distract you from your meditation.
Because of this, here are some tips to help you meditate.
When setting the alarm, add a few minutes to your desired total of minutes.
Why is the first question that pops in your mind I presume.
Well this is because you need to go out and find the rhythm and the pace that you need when meditating.
Adding an allowance gives you the added time to make yourself settled in.
For beginners, it is advisable to start slowly and then build up to longer time spans.
Posture is relative.
Many people stress that you need to have a good posture if you want to have a nice time in meditation.
This is not one hundred percent true.
Many people believe that posture is important because a bad posture may lead you to discomfort and your focus may cause you to lose focus.
However, the main point of meditation is that you need to be comfortable in the way that you are seated when you are meditating.
It does not matter if you have good or bad posture but it matters that you are comfortable.
Breathe through your nose and not your mouth.
Deep breathes from the nose are more relaxing than breathing from the mouth.
Keep your mouth shut at all times in order to keep your body in a relaxed state.
Try and make your whole body tense for a second and then make it relax at will.
If you feel or are suddenly conscious of a certain body part then it is a clear that this part is still tense and you need to focus and make this part relax.
Once you do this, all things will be smooth sailing all the way.
However there are also things that can distract you from your meditation.
Because of this, here are some tips to help you meditate.
When setting the alarm, add a few minutes to your desired total of minutes.
Why is the first question that pops in your mind I presume.
Well this is because you need to go out and find the rhythm and the pace that you need when meditating.
Adding an allowance gives you the added time to make yourself settled in.
For beginners, it is advisable to start slowly and then build up to longer time spans.
Posture is relative.
Many people stress that you need to have a good posture if you want to have a nice time in meditation.
This is not one hundred percent true.
Many people believe that posture is important because a bad posture may lead you to discomfort and your focus may cause you to lose focus.
However, the main point of meditation is that you need to be comfortable in the way that you are seated when you are meditating.
It does not matter if you have good or bad posture but it matters that you are comfortable.
Breathe through your nose and not your mouth.
Deep breathes from the nose are more relaxing than breathing from the mouth.
Keep your mouth shut at all times in order to keep your body in a relaxed state.
Try and make your whole body tense for a second and then make it relax at will.
If you feel or are suddenly conscious of a certain body part then it is a clear that this part is still tense and you need to focus and make this part relax.
Once you do this, all things will be smooth sailing all the way.