5 Simple Steps to SEO
In this day and age, if you are in business but you have not got a website you are seen as being in the dark ages.
Once you have put all the hard work into getting a good website it is important to make sure that it can be found in the search engines when people are searching for what you have to offer.
The best way to do this is to optimize your website for the search engines so that when someone searches for products or services relevant to your business, your site will appear high up in the search and then receive click throughs from potential customers.
If you follow these 5 simple steps it will get your website climbing up the search engines in no time at all:- 1) Keywords - Decide which keywords you are going to target but do not try to go for the most broad term.
Really try and pin point it in the first instance i.
'black patent high heel shoes' rather than just 'shoes'.
Then be sure to include the keywords you have chosen in your Title Tags, your page content, your Alt text and your Anchor text.
2) Site Map - create a site map, insert a link to it from your home page, and submit it to the search engines.
3) Site Wide Links - put an anchor text link on each page of your site pointing to every other page on your site.
4) External Links - get as many incoming links to your site as you can from any contacts you have.
5) Update your content - keep your web pages up to date and original.
So, by doing these very easy steps you will propel your website towards the first page of Google.
Want to know more about how you can get your website listed on the 1st page of Google check out my Free Report: SEO Secrets
Once you have put all the hard work into getting a good website it is important to make sure that it can be found in the search engines when people are searching for what you have to offer.
The best way to do this is to optimize your website for the search engines so that when someone searches for products or services relevant to your business, your site will appear high up in the search and then receive click throughs from potential customers.
If you follow these 5 simple steps it will get your website climbing up the search engines in no time at all:- 1) Keywords - Decide which keywords you are going to target but do not try to go for the most broad term.
Really try and pin point it in the first instance i.
'black patent high heel shoes' rather than just 'shoes'.
Then be sure to include the keywords you have chosen in your Title Tags, your page content, your Alt text and your Anchor text.
2) Site Map - create a site map, insert a link to it from your home page, and submit it to the search engines.
3) Site Wide Links - put an anchor text link on each page of your site pointing to every other page on your site.
4) External Links - get as many incoming links to your site as you can from any contacts you have.
5) Update your content - keep your web pages up to date and original.
So, by doing these very easy steps you will propel your website towards the first page of Google.
Want to know more about how you can get your website listed on the 1st page of Google check out my Free Report: SEO Secrets