Health & Medical Ear & Nose,Throat

Why Thyroid Disease Can Go Undiagnosed in Women

Updated January 14, 2015.
Can You Prevent Thyroid Disease?

There are several things you can do to reduce your chance of thyroid problems.

Be Careful About Too Much Soy
There's evidence that excessive isoflavones -- found in popular soy products and supplements -- may cause hypothyroidism, goiter or nodules. Larrian Gillespie, M.D., author of The Goddess Diet, says "one serving of tofu a day is all you need to enjoy soy's benefits.

Going overboard on soy supplements and powders may trigger or worsen thyroid problems." Also, remember that a long-term, steady diet of soy formula may make your baby more vulnerable to developing autoimmune thyroid conditions, due to overexposure to antithyroid isoflavones.

Drink Bottled Water
Fluoride in water, and a rocket fuel manufacturing by-product known as perchlorate, and other toxic chemicals are among the many substances in water that may trigger or worsen the risk of thyroid problems. Consider drinking purified or bottled water.

When It Comes to Iodine -- Think Moderation
Too little iodine, an increasing problem in the United States, increases your risk of hypothyroidism or goiter, but excessive iodine intake -- including kelp or bladderwrack -- can also affect the thyroid.

Stop Smoking
Smoking can damage the thyroid, and actually worsens some existing thyroid conditions . . . yet another reason to quit -- or never start -- smoking.

Reduce Your Stress
Reducing stress using effective techniques such as aerobic exercise, yoga and mind-body techniques can play a part in preventing some autoimmune problems like thyroid disease.

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