Health & Medical Sleep Disorders

Sleep Panic Attacks - 4 Easy Steps to Sleep Well at Night

When we accumulate stress in our life, we often are passive in unloading them to available outlets.
That would have worked for us very well.
When someone experiences a panic attack, unknowingly they were absorbing sources of fear and anxieties like a sponge.
The good thing about humans is their self awareness.
Even at great physical distress, they are able to think and make full use of their brain functions and proved many times that mind over matter works.
With a panic attack over daytime, this ability can be put to good use.
Sleep panic attacks are completely a different matter.
The brain is operating its subconscious faculties.
It recalls frightful images, disturbing emotions and clear sensations of inflicted pain with uncanny reality.
All of a sudden we are in the middle of a panic attack, paralyzed to do anything about it.
This makes the experience scary, totally random and unpredictable.
When we talk about panic attacks during sleep, it is also important that we think about interventions that prevent our mind from wondering into a gigantic vault of fears.
Vulnerability is a big issue with panic attacks.
Anyone, anytime and anywhere this sinister panic outbreak creeps into our consciousness and destroys our good night's sleep.
Once you experienced one of these, in severe cases, it is enough for you to refuse or dread sleep.
What can we do to curb these attacks? The first step is to examine your thoughts.
Assess your inner self and its well being.
When you are haunted by fear in your waking hours, it will not be long that this will creep into your sleep and wake you up drenched in sweat.
Avail yourself to the good things in life.
Positive thoughts attract positive things to your life.
The same is true for fear.
Do not make a pet out of fear and anxiety.
Second step is to find yourself in the midst of your busy life.
When we become detached from our inner man, we forget the things that make us happy and relaxed.
This often paves the road for fears to come in.
Watch your favorite movie.
Listen to music that fits your taste and uplift your mood.
Spend time with your kids, dog or cat, and even with your hobby.
Thirdly, busy your mind with things that you can readily do (no matter how mundane that is) when you wake up with a panic attack.
These random and unrelated activities could be as simple as listing the grocery items you may need to buy for tomorrow, finishing up a needlework project or even keeping a diary.
The last step, and considered to be the least effective way to control sleep panic attacks, is taking medicines.
This is considered last because its effects could easily wear off just when you need it.
Panic attacks do not have a definite time frame.
But medicines do.
The best thing you can do when taking this route is taking medicines together with the other interventions.
This is to make sure that you have a back up support when a rogue panic attack comes.
Sleep panic attacks can still be managed and controlled.
Continuing efforts and resolve to keep your mind clear of stress and fear can be a big help in taming down panic outbreaks during sleep.
Be on top of yourself and do not allow accumulating your thoughts with negative things.
Dump it to where it belongs.
It sure is not in your head.

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