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Do You Know What Men Need? - Decoding Male Psychology

Have you any idea what men really need? Do you find yourself easily meeting the needs of the men in your professional life, only to be stumped when it comes to your romantic life? Do you wonder why men say they like strong women, but they seem intimidated by you? You may be able to learn a bit more about the seemingly complicated, yet simple workings of a man's mind by reading on.
Though their way of thinking if greatly different from women, men's thought process is generally pretty direct and focused.
Men want to feel needed, not clung to, important, yet not vital, and powerful, though not overpowering.
Many women fear giving in to this vital need men have.
With all the steps women have made in finding equality, they're reluctant to allow a man to be the power source and the strength and their support.
But it's not a matter of ceding all the power to the man, but of finding a comfortable meeting ground where you feel validated without diminishing his ego.
Getting to the heart of a man's ego is easier than you think, and it doesn't require supermodel looks or the figure of pin-up.
Sure, you want to be pleasing to the eye when you step out, but once you've caught his eye, touch the inner man by being attentive.
Show your admiration and appreciation.
Don't put up barriers by insinuating that you don't need him in any way, shape or form.
If you're accustomed to proving yourself in the business world, you may want to tone it down in your personal life.
Remember that it is not a contest.
Boast about your accomplishments, sure, but praise his as well and avoid upping him at every chance.
Also, hold back on the flow of information.
This should be a 'let's get to know each other' conversation, not an interview.
When men see a woman, the first thing they notice is the outer appearance.
As shallow as that may seem, it is the reality.
So put away the office attire and put on something soft and inviting.
This need not be taken to an extreme.
You neither want to be over dressed, nor do you want to appear trashy and cheap.
But find styles that flatter and make them work for you.
If you don't manage to ignite that first spark of interest with your appearances, you'd be surprised by the affect a warm smile can have a on a guy.
A man can feel the urge to come speak to you simply based on the power of that smile.
Once engaged in a conversation, don't let the professional take over.
Keep it relaxed and casual, and while you can show your strengths, you don't want this to overpower or dominate the conversation.
After all, you want to learn a bit about him as well.
So be attentive.
Strong women sometimes fear appearing weak and frail, and this fear often pushes them to go to great lengths to prove just how strong and independent they are.
Know before going out that you are strong and there's no need to prove it.
Find the confidence you need to be able to show your vulnerabilities as well as your strengths.
Yes, men need to feel a degree of power in the relationship, but there is plenty of room between his needs and yours to find a happy median.

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