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Love The No In Home Party Business

If You Don't Ask, then the Answer is "No"

Overcoming rejection is a huge part of building a successful home party plan business.

People who live in fear of hearing the word "no" do not understand the huge opportunities they are missing to improve their business. When you understand how to turn a negative into a positive, then you can start to learn from rejection and make your company stronger.

Ask Questions When You Hear NO
The knee-jerk reaction for anyone who gets rejected is to accept it and walk away.

If you want to build a successful home party plan business, then you need to recondition yourself to ask questions when someone tells you no. You need to step up and ask why the person is rejecting you and find out what you can do differently to prevent future rejections.

If you never learn why people are giving you a negative response, then you cannot make the corrections that could turn those negative responses into positive ones.

Party Plan Consultants Polite

When you hear a no in answer to a business question now, that does not mean that the person will forever be saying no to you. If you ask someone if they would like to purchase a product you are selling at a party and that person says no, that does not mean that the potential customer will say no to all of your products.

When you get a negative response, be pleasant and maintain a professional attitude. A single negative answer is no reason to burn bridges with someone who could give you a positive response to a different question in the future.

Explore Opportunities

A negative answer to a single business question may shut the door to a single business opportunity, but it opens the door to a conversation about other potential business dealings. One of the biggest ways to overcome the fear of hearing the word "no" is to look at each negative response as an opportunity. As previously mentioned, you need to find out why the client is rejecting you in order to gain value from the rejection. But you also need to go beyond that and try to find a solution to the problem that results in a sale.

For example, if the customer says no to buying a blue product, then ask if a different color would be more preferable. If the client indicates that green is her favorite color, and you have green product, then explore that opportunity.

You have to remember that, unless a customer is overwhelmed with the urge to buy your product, the initial answer to a selling pitch is usually no. When you learn to look at the word "no" as an opportunity rather than a roadblock, then you learn how to handle rejection and make it work to your advantage.

Remember that you must hear now to get to the yes. No is the necessary route to all yeses. So, when you learn to love the NO because you realize that means your are closer to the yes, you will feel a lot better about hearing it.

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