Happy Marriage - The Glue That Will Hold You Together
Relationships are built on love, trust and understanding.
Of all the relationships, marriage is unique.
People are more concerned with their marriage than with other kinds of relationship.
Everyone wants a happy marriage but many are clueless about how to achieve this.
If you can find the glue that will hold you together, then you are on the path towards a happy marriage.
What is this glue? Many people make the mistake of taking a relationship for granted.
Even the most intimate natural relationship between a mother and the child will not be strong, if the mother does not take care of the child.
Psychiatrists have piles of files of their patients who have developed some psychological problems because of their perception of not getting the love from their parents in their childhood.
The police also have the lists of criminals who have taken to crime because of the frustration caused by an unhappy childhood.
So it is clear that any relationship is built on love.
The love should not just exist but should be outwardly shown.
Love is the foundation for any relationship.
So the prerequisite of a happy marriage is love.
And the feeling of love should not be imprisoned in one's heart.
It should be let out and allowed to flow towards the other person through actions.
Happy marriages are easy to create but maintaining them needs some work.
Both the partners in a marriage should realize that they must spend time on their relationship.
When one of the two is too busy to spend even the minimum time with their partner, they will be unconsciously leading the marriage towards an inevitable breakup.
Sometimes happy marriages lose their sheen over a period of time.
This happens due to various reasons.
The tendency to ignore the partner in their zeal for taking care of the children sometimes surprisingly leads to an unhappy marriage.
The one who focuses all their attention on the children imagines that their partner will be happy about it because of the shared love for the children.
Unfortunately relationships do not work on logic but on perceptions and feelings.
The partner who feels alienated is not going to understand that the spouse's concern for the child is only a reflection of their own.
So even while taking care of your children, do not ignore the emotional needs of your spouse.
Certain gestures expressing love like a passionate kiss and words of concern for the spouse's work or problems will go a long way in ensuring that the relationship is on track and the happy marriage will not be derailed.
Of all the relationships, marriage is unique.
People are more concerned with their marriage than with other kinds of relationship.
Everyone wants a happy marriage but many are clueless about how to achieve this.
If you can find the glue that will hold you together, then you are on the path towards a happy marriage.
What is this glue? Many people make the mistake of taking a relationship for granted.
Even the most intimate natural relationship between a mother and the child will not be strong, if the mother does not take care of the child.
Psychiatrists have piles of files of their patients who have developed some psychological problems because of their perception of not getting the love from their parents in their childhood.
The police also have the lists of criminals who have taken to crime because of the frustration caused by an unhappy childhood.
So it is clear that any relationship is built on love.
The love should not just exist but should be outwardly shown.
Love is the foundation for any relationship.
So the prerequisite of a happy marriage is love.
And the feeling of love should not be imprisoned in one's heart.
It should be let out and allowed to flow towards the other person through actions.
Happy marriages are easy to create but maintaining them needs some work.
Both the partners in a marriage should realize that they must spend time on their relationship.
When one of the two is too busy to spend even the minimum time with their partner, they will be unconsciously leading the marriage towards an inevitable breakup.
Sometimes happy marriages lose their sheen over a period of time.
This happens due to various reasons.
The tendency to ignore the partner in their zeal for taking care of the children sometimes surprisingly leads to an unhappy marriage.
The one who focuses all their attention on the children imagines that their partner will be happy about it because of the shared love for the children.
Unfortunately relationships do not work on logic but on perceptions and feelings.
The partner who feels alienated is not going to understand that the spouse's concern for the child is only a reflection of their own.
So even while taking care of your children, do not ignore the emotional needs of your spouse.
Certain gestures expressing love like a passionate kiss and words of concern for the spouse's work or problems will go a long way in ensuring that the relationship is on track and the happy marriage will not be derailed.