Family & Relationships Conflict

Teen Abusive Relationship

Teen abusive relationship has become common in our present society.
Very often this type of relationship keeps on thriving for various innumerable reasons.
There is lack of parental support, intimidation and fear, social stigma, economic and social situation, lack of believe in the self that forces a young boys and girls to stay in such a relationship for years after years.
Most teens fail to recognize that they are stuck in an abusive relationship and only comprehend it when they are both mentally and physically ravaged.
There are two types of abusive relationship that a teen gets involved into, Physical and Emotional.
In some case it is a combination of two.
In physical abuse the person inflicts the partner with various violence and pain.
In emotional abuse the person inflicts the partner with emotional and mental agony.
Here are a few signs that will enable you to analyze whether you have involved yourself in an abusive relationship.
Dominating: An abusive partner is always dominating.
They are more like dictator who will like to follow his orders without questions.
Possessive: An abusive partner is extremely possessive.
They are instantly jealous if you spend time with other like your family, friends, relatives and co-workers.
They will confound you with accusation like cheating, lying or flirting without any reason to do so.
Humiliation: This is an emotional type of abuse where the person humiliates the partner to derive metal gratification.
They will make their partner feel unworthy, that nobody will ever want them and feel pleased when the partner feels emotionally turmoil.
Intimidation: An abusive partner implies intimidating tricks to force another partner into submission.
They usually make threatening gestures, harm their pests, and destroy their belonging and things in front of them.
Curb freedom and sudden uncalled punishments.
Many abusers absolutely curbs freedom of their partners, confine them to room so that they cannot ask for help.
Even when certain demands are not consented they go to any type of ill-treatment or punishment.
This can be also related to sex or closeness.
Other signs: The other important sings of abusive partners are not willing to take blame, justifying their behavior, making the partner feel guilty, mood swings, threats and superiority.

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