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Muslims' Views on Heaven & Hell

    What is the Islamic Paradise Like?

    • In the Koran, paradise is depicted as a luscious garden filled with mansions and elaborate food. Unlike other religions, Islam holds that Heaven is a physical realm. Marriage, sex and certain kinds of animals are all described as being present in paradise. Every person that enters paradise will have a perfect body that does not age past 33 years. The Koran suggests that there are multiple levels of paradise, each increasing in grandeur in accordance with the person's deserved reward.

    Who Goes to Paradise?

    • Individuals who believe in Allah and live righteous lives according to His will are the most likely to go to Heaven. However, under certain circumstances, it is believed that non-believers or the wicked may enter paradise if Allah decides to show them mercy. In the Islamic religion, there is no way to guarantee whether or not you will go to paradise. The only exception to this rule are warriors who die fighting for the will of Allah. These individuals are granted automatic admittance to Heaven, regardless of whether or not they lived a righteous life. They will also be awarded 72 virgins.

    What is the Islamic Hell Like?

    • The Koran describes Hell as having seven doors and multiple levels. Individuals are sent to a particular level depending on the the weight of their offenses. The upper levels are described as being fiery craters, while the lowest level is likened to a boiling cauldron of pitch. Individuals who are in Hell experience intense physical and spiritual agony.

    Who Goes to Hell?

    • Unbelievers who have committed great offenses are the most likely to go to Hell. However, being a Muslim does not automatically save an individual from Hell. When a Muslim comes before Him, Allah can choose not to forgive his sins and send him to Hell instead. The Koran suggests that when Muslims are sent to Hell, it is only for a temporary period of punishment and they will eventually be taken to paradise. The Koran also states that the majority of the people in hell are women who were ungrateful to their husbands. In the Islamic religion, there is no way to guarantee whether or not you will will go to Hell. The one exception to this rule are enemies of Islam, who are automatically sent to Hell.

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