Six Powerful Solo Ad Tips for Profitable Results
Solo ads are still a very powerful way to advertise your website or affiliate product.
You can use solo ads to do numerous tasks and jobs to create a buzz for your site, develop instant name recognition, and create a large flood of visitors to your site.
Actually, solo ads are as powerful as articles are in promoting your website.
In most cases, solo ads can generate a quicker response to your site than writing and distributing articles.
Mostly because solo ads are an instant delivery while articles can take a while generating search engine rankings.
In order to do that, your solo ad must be powerful.
A sloppy solo ad simply won't do the job.
A profitable solo ad is one that; is targeted to a specific audience, gets people to read it, creates and excitement in the reader, instills an emotional impulse to take action.
How do you do that? After writing thousands of solo ads for thousands of clients all over the world, I have realized what it takes not only to write a good solo ad, but one that will generate a desired response.
Solo Ads Must Be Targeted This solo ad tip is something to think about before you even begin writing your solo ad.
One of the misconceptions of solo ad writing is that you can write one ad for everyone.
That simply is not true.
Your ad must be targeted with one very specific audience in mind.
By writing a solo ad that is "speaking" to a targeted audience it seems like just that.
You are talking to that specific person.
You have narrowed your words for just one person.
This creates an atmosphere of trust and relations.
The reader is beginning to feel connected to you and your product.
Solo Ads Must Have a Powerful Headline Think about it.
What ads do you click open? Something that is obviously an ad, or something that peaks your interest and makes you want to read it? If I know an email is an ad, I never open it.
I just don't have time to read another ad for something I really don't want.
Chances are, you don't either.
And the general Internet public doesn't read them either.
Solo ad success starts with the very first thing a reader sees...
your heading, or headline.
It must not only be a powerful mix of words, but something that begins to grab the reader.
Headlines like "Great new opportunity for thousands a month!" just isn't going to work.
It's blatantly an ad.
Something I've been experimenting with lately is something like, "(first name goes here), I stole (expert's name here) secret to how he made his fortune!" It's what I call a first person approach.
You are using names and it sounds like a personal email.
Sure, it's still an ad, but at first glance, it's an email.
Solo Ads Don't Sell Anything Yes, you heard it right.
Solo ads are not to sell anything.
So don't try.
Solo ads are to generate a lead.
If you have taken the first solo ad tip into consideration and have targeted your ad very narrowly, then this part is easy.
Create your ad to instill and emotional desire to follow your path.
The path starts with a solo ad.
Think in the terms of leads and not sales.
Solo Ads Are Mini Articles? Yes, they are.
Solo ads should take on the same form as an article.
What I mean by that is keep it short, concise and very clear.
Don't try to mislead or use funny word tricks.
A lot of white space, or spaces in between paragraphs, and subheadings to keep the reader who skims travelling through the ad.
Another little solo ad tip that I use frequently is to sprinkle a little bit of good usable information in the body of the ad.
Maybe something that is new technology, little known facts, or a quick tip on how to do something.
In all the ads I've written, this little "mini article" tip has worked with amazing results.
Solo Ads Need A Sense of Urgency If there is something that is completely lacking in the solo ads that I rewrite, or consult on is that there is no clear cut sense of urgency.
It just drags on and leaves me wanting to take a nap.
The ad must read from beginning to end like you're in a race.
Speed and urgency are essential.
If you craft your ad with a flow that doesn't stop, meaning no gaps or chance to think, you are creating a sense of urgency.
I'm not talking about the "buy before midnight tonight" scheme.
Everyone knows that's a marketing ploy.
I'm talking about an ad that keeps the reader wanting to do something by the time they reach the end of the ad.
Solo Ads Need A Call To Action One of the things I get very upset and disgusted about is the complete incompetence associated with this solo ad tip.
I'm sure everyone has heard this a million times.
And people are doing it.
It's not a problem of not using this tip, it's a problem of not doing it right.
A call to action is so much more than "click here now".
A real call to action makes the reader want to do something.
It's the culmination of the entire ad.
I see so many ads written very poorly with the "click here now" link at the bottom of it.
I really didn't feel like clicking there and probably never would.
A call to action takes everything you have done with the ad, acts upon the emotions that have been fired up, and leaves them no other option but to "click here now.
" If your solo ad is written with these tips embedded into it, you will see an amazing increase in your click thrus, your website conversion rates, and of course, your profits.
You can use solo ads to do numerous tasks and jobs to create a buzz for your site, develop instant name recognition, and create a large flood of visitors to your site.
Actually, solo ads are as powerful as articles are in promoting your website.
In most cases, solo ads can generate a quicker response to your site than writing and distributing articles.
Mostly because solo ads are an instant delivery while articles can take a while generating search engine rankings.
In order to do that, your solo ad must be powerful.
A sloppy solo ad simply won't do the job.
A profitable solo ad is one that;
How do you do that? After writing thousands of solo ads for thousands of clients all over the world, I have realized what it takes not only to write a good solo ad, but one that will generate a desired response.
Solo Ads Must Be Targeted This solo ad tip is something to think about before you even begin writing your solo ad.
One of the misconceptions of solo ad writing is that you can write one ad for everyone.
That simply is not true.
Your ad must be targeted with one very specific audience in mind.
By writing a solo ad that is "speaking" to a targeted audience it seems like just that.
You are talking to that specific person.
You have narrowed your words for just one person.
This creates an atmosphere of trust and relations.
The reader is beginning to feel connected to you and your product.
Solo Ads Must Have a Powerful Headline Think about it.
What ads do you click open? Something that is obviously an ad, or something that peaks your interest and makes you want to read it? If I know an email is an ad, I never open it.
I just don't have time to read another ad for something I really don't want.
Chances are, you don't either.
And the general Internet public doesn't read them either.
Solo ad success starts with the very first thing a reader sees...
your heading, or headline.
It must not only be a powerful mix of words, but something that begins to grab the reader.
Headlines like "Great new opportunity for thousands a month!" just isn't going to work.
It's blatantly an ad.
Something I've been experimenting with lately is something like, "(first name goes here), I stole (expert's name here) secret to how he made his fortune!" It's what I call a first person approach.
You are using names and it sounds like a personal email.
Sure, it's still an ad, but at first glance, it's an email.
Solo Ads Don't Sell Anything Yes, you heard it right.
Solo ads are not to sell anything.
So don't try.
Solo ads are to generate a lead.
If you have taken the first solo ad tip into consideration and have targeted your ad very narrowly, then this part is easy.
Create your ad to instill and emotional desire to follow your path.
The path starts with a solo ad.
Think in the terms of leads and not sales.
Solo Ads Are Mini Articles? Yes, they are.
Solo ads should take on the same form as an article.
What I mean by that is keep it short, concise and very clear.
Don't try to mislead or use funny word tricks.
A lot of white space, or spaces in between paragraphs, and subheadings to keep the reader who skims travelling through the ad.
Another little solo ad tip that I use frequently is to sprinkle a little bit of good usable information in the body of the ad.
Maybe something that is new technology, little known facts, or a quick tip on how to do something.
In all the ads I've written, this little "mini article" tip has worked with amazing results.
Solo Ads Need A Sense of Urgency If there is something that is completely lacking in the solo ads that I rewrite, or consult on is that there is no clear cut sense of urgency.
It just drags on and leaves me wanting to take a nap.
The ad must read from beginning to end like you're in a race.
Speed and urgency are essential.
If you craft your ad with a flow that doesn't stop, meaning no gaps or chance to think, you are creating a sense of urgency.
I'm not talking about the "buy before midnight tonight" scheme.
Everyone knows that's a marketing ploy.
I'm talking about an ad that keeps the reader wanting to do something by the time they reach the end of the ad.
Solo Ads Need A Call To Action One of the things I get very upset and disgusted about is the complete incompetence associated with this solo ad tip.
I'm sure everyone has heard this a million times.
And people are doing it.
It's not a problem of not using this tip, it's a problem of not doing it right.
A call to action is so much more than "click here now".
A real call to action makes the reader want to do something.
It's the culmination of the entire ad.
I see so many ads written very poorly with the "click here now" link at the bottom of it.
I really didn't feel like clicking there and probably never would.
A call to action takes everything you have done with the ad, acts upon the emotions that have been fired up, and leaves them no other option but to "click here now.
" If your solo ad is written with these tips embedded into it, you will see an amazing increase in your click thrus, your website conversion rates, and of course, your profits.