The Most Beautiful Perennial Plants
- The weeping cherry (Prunus snofozam) is a showy perennial tree with weeping branches and light pink fragrant flowers. The weeping cherry does best in USDA hardiness zones 5 through 8 as it does require some wintering to produce its flowers and fruit. Its beautiful flowers attract birds and butterflies each April, making it an early-blooming spring tree. The weeping cherry is much smaller than most cherry trees, reaching a final height between 8 and 15 feet.
- If you are looking for a stunning ground cover that will return each year, evergreen candytuft (Iberis sempervirens) is a smart choice. This quick-spreading perennial ground cover grows to an average height of 12 inches with a 3- to 4-foot spread. While its clustered flowers bloom from March to May, its deep green foliage adds color throughout the summer. The candytuft requires mild summer weather and fairs best in USDA hardiness zones 5 to 8.
- While it may have short-lived blooms, the daylily (Hemerocallis hybrid) does contribute well to a garden while in bloom. With every color of the rainbow available, the daylily is a welcome perennial in most gardens. Daylilies are a tuber type of perennial, which means they require a protective bed of mulch in the winter. Daylilies grow to an average height of 2 to 3 feet and can be placed randomly for a special treat in spring gardens.
- If your are looking for showy purple flowers, sea thrift (Armeria maritima) is a good choice for your garden. Thriving in USDA hardiness zones 4 to 8, this low-growing plant is ideal for placing inside of ground cover patches. The sea thrift does best in full sunlight and especially thrives when its roots can dry out between watering.