How to Make Glow in the Dark Glue
- 1). Grind glow-in-the-dark chalk into dust (skip this step if you have glow-in-the-dark powder). Place the chalk inside a plastic bag and seal it; squeeze out any air from the bag. Place the bag on concrete or a piece of scrap wood and hit it a few times with a hammer to break down the chalk into pieces about the size of fingertips. Pour the chunks and powder from the bag into a mortar and pestle. Grind the dust into an even, fine powder.
- 2). Create a wheat paste glue. Boil a cup and a half of water on the stove. While the water is still on the heat, add four pinches of salt. Add a half cup of flour a little at a time, whisking the mixture as you do so to ensure that the flour dissolves. Once all flour is added, remove the liquid from the stove.
- 3). Mix the chalk dust or glowing powder into the wheat glue. Add a little powder at a time, stirring as you go. Test the mixture to determine how much dust to add by holding a spoonful of glue next to a light bulb for 30 seconds then viewing it in a dark area. If using chalk, you will need to use more powder to get the same glowing effect.