Home & Garden Architecture

Resurfacing Ceramic Tiles

    • 1). Place and press down firmly a piece of masking tape over a tile to test for existing sealer. The tape can be removed once it has contact the tile surface.

    • 2). Peel off the masking tape. If a sealer is present, you will see a substance on the tape. The sealer helps protect the tiles from water and scuff damage. The sealer needs to be stripped to work on the tiles.

    • 3). Use a ceramic-compatible sealer stripper if a ceramic tile sealer was used on the tiles.

    • 4). Rub the stripper onto the tiled surface and then remove it by rubbing the surface with a sponge and rag; the old sealer will come off with the stripper.

    • 5). Vacuum thoroughly the tiled area to pick up loose debris.

    • 6). Wipe the tiles with a damp mop using plain water over the vacuumed area. Let the tiles air dry.

    • 7). Scrub any caked-on debris on the tiles using a pot scouring brush. If necessary, use a ceramic stain remover product on hard to remove stain on the tiles.

    • 8). Apply a generous amount of ceramic tile sealer over the tiles and grout using a mop. Wipe off excess sealer with a clean rag.

    • 9). Add two more layers of sealer on the tiles. Again, wipe off excess sealer before applying a new layer. When all three layers of sealer have been applied, wait half a day before using the resurfaced area.

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