Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Gain a Positive Mental Attitude in 24hrs

Having a Positive Mental Attitude (PMA) is all about self confidence. It is the ability to see things from a perspective of the glass is half full as opposed to one that is half empty. It is the optimist not the pessimist inside us that must prevail. When you are on top form, your confidence levels grow, sometimes to the extent that you feel invincible, nothing or no one can touch you. Although this has many benefits, be careful not to become over confident, always be self critical and honest in your self appraisal.

The key to PMA is liking yourself for who you are. Do not change for others, think well of yourself. When you start to have negative thoughts change them into positive self encouragement, learn to become your own champion and not your critic. Just like those who have to diet to keep trim maintain a diary and an action plan so that you can set yourself goals.

Goals are the key to success in all walks of life, without them you have nothing to aim for and therefore no sense of achievement. Goals encourage us to achieve, goals spur us on and when you reach one milestone you are ready to tackle the next one. Of course this will only work if you are honest and open with yourself. Your diary should never lie otherwise you are only telling lies to yourself and defeating the object of your goal.

Fear of failure is your biggest enemy; if you have never failed at anything then you have never attempted anything. Do not set your sights to high, instead set small goals, achieve them, and reward yourself then go on to the next goal. Do not set yourself up for failure, what will that achieve? I'll tell you...nothing. All you will do is demoralize yourself and there you are back to square one.

Whoever said that life was easy? As you know life has a habit of kicking you especially when you are down. Remember PMA is the order of the day. Stimulus is vitality important, do not get bored there are plenty of challenges out there, learn to play Chess, take up a hobby. All of these things stimulate the mind and help you grow in confidence. Once you master a new discipline that sense of achievement is very satisfying, very satisfying indeed.

Do not forget to have fun, laugh, see the funny of side things. Praise yourself for your accomplishments; it is all too easy to criticize. Do not let others sway you from your goals/dreams. We all need something to aim for, for to wander aimlessly through life is such a waste of time and effort.

Make your plan of action, set you goals and go for it. You will get setbacks, of that there is no doubt. But with a clear structure in place and a focused mind you can achieve, never lose sight of what you are aiming for and take control of your destiny.

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