Cheater, Cheater, Where'd he meet her?
When I learned that my ex was cheating on me, I didn't let on for six months. I wanted to gain as much evidence as I could before I blew the whistle. The first time I learned of his cheating was when I started to ask him for some financial information and he continually avoided the subject. This is a huge red flag. When they start hiding bank statements and receipts from ATM machines you can pretty much know that your suspicions are accurate.
So how do you actually gain the evidence. We'll I have already shown you one way in some of my other articles, but I have also found a new device that's pretty cool... it's plug in and kind of looks like a flash drive. It extracts the information from the target phone and you can then see it on your computer.
Anyone who suspects their partner of cheating wants to be able to access all calls made and all contact numbers in their partners address book. They want to be able to read e-mails and text messages and be able to remotely monitor their partner's telephone activity. You can do this right from your own computer.
When my ex cheated on me, I was able to view his text messages, ever number he called. I knew every call girl and ever stripper he contacted. Eventually, I was able to find out the locations of the strip clubs he was hanging out at once there was GPS tracking. Before that, I had to hire a detective and that was way to costly. Let's face it, GPS tracking has only just started to hit the market and it is becoming a huge way of catching a cheater. Honestly, it's better than a detective because you can track the phone right down to the exact location where a detective rides around for hours on end spending thousands of your dollars guessing where the cheater might be...
Another beautiful thing about being a recon cell phone spy is that you can easily access the phone's data from any internet enable computer. You can view your cheating partner's text message both incoming and outgoing, all of their emails and who they are calling and talking to. And, this works in stealth mode from a remote location. One of the easiest ways to do this is for you to own the phone... then there is absolutely no liability because you have permission to place the software on your phone. You can let your partner use the phone and then start tracking the cheater ... For More Info...
So how do you actually gain the evidence. We'll I have already shown you one way in some of my other articles, but I have also found a new device that's pretty cool... it's plug in and kind of looks like a flash drive. It extracts the information from the target phone and you can then see it on your computer.
Anyone who suspects their partner of cheating wants to be able to access all calls made and all contact numbers in their partners address book. They want to be able to read e-mails and text messages and be able to remotely monitor their partner's telephone activity. You can do this right from your own computer.
When my ex cheated on me, I was able to view his text messages, ever number he called. I knew every call girl and ever stripper he contacted. Eventually, I was able to find out the locations of the strip clubs he was hanging out at once there was GPS tracking. Before that, I had to hire a detective and that was way to costly. Let's face it, GPS tracking has only just started to hit the market and it is becoming a huge way of catching a cheater. Honestly, it's better than a detective because you can track the phone right down to the exact location where a detective rides around for hours on end spending thousands of your dollars guessing where the cheater might be...
Another beautiful thing about being a recon cell phone spy is that you can easily access the phone's data from any internet enable computer. You can view your cheating partner's text message both incoming and outgoing, all of their emails and who they are calling and talking to. And, this works in stealth mode from a remote location. One of the easiest ways to do this is for you to own the phone... then there is absolutely no liability because you have permission to place the software on your phone. You can let your partner use the phone and then start tracking the cheater ... For More Info...