Pest Removal Products
- Pest removal products can prevent you from paying an exterminator's fee.GK Hart/Vikki Hart/Photodisc/Getty Images
If you have a pest problem but do not want to spend a fortune hiring an exterminator, you can always treat the problem yourself. By utilizing chemicals and baits, you will no longer share your home with spiders, mosquitoes, cockroaches, mice, rats or termites. - This fogging solution comes under brand names like Chryson, Pynosect, Raid Flying Insect Killer, Scourge, SPB-1382, Synthrin, Syntox, Vectrin and Whitmire PT-110. It is a synthetic toxin used to kill most flying and crawling insects in homes, green houses and industrial sites. Insects that are targeted by resmethrin include fire ants, flies, mosquitoes, gnats, ticks, fleas and black flies. You will need a thermal applicator to fog the infested area. Hold the applicator at least five feet away from any object and apply half a gallon of undiluted amount per 5,800 square feet. The best time to use a resmethrin fog solution is at dusk, when the wind is not too strong and the temperature of the air is close to the temperature of the ground. Do not enter the treated area until the fog has dissipated.
- There are various types of rat poisons available in hardware stores. The most common and effective products are anticoagulant rodenticides. These are not as toxic as other rat poisons, so their effects can be minimized, if accidentally ingested by humans. The rat poison is delivered through wax pellets or blocks that act as meal baits. The most common poisons used are brodificoum, diphacinone, warfarin and bromadiolone. Many brands include green dyes so the blocks and pellets look more like food to the rats and mice. These poison-laced blocks and pellets---once consumed---will cause the rodents to bleed internally and die. Brands that feature these anticoagulants are Victor Multi-kill, Contrac and Kaput.
- This undetectable termite removal and prevention liquid can be used in various ways. Termites cannot taste, see, smell or avoid this liquid, and it will kill them when they ingest or touch it. As soon as one termite touches and eats Termidor®, it then transfers the poison to the entire colony. Because Termidor acts slowly, there will be enough time for a single termite to infect all the rest. One of the best selling termite removal products in the U.S., Termidor has products that kill Formosan, dampwood and drywood termites, while preventing further infestations. Mix 0.8 fluid ounces with a gallon of water and spray onto infected spots indoors and out. A 20 ounce bottle of Termidor SC will yield two gallons of solution to treat 60 lineal feet of trenching.