Mantra - The Power of the Word
A mantra is a sound, a syllable, a word or a group of words that are intoned to calm the mind, reduce negative energy, and create peace and spiritual transformation.
The mantra has been used in many Eastern religions for centuries, and has become popular as the use of meditation and other spiritual practices have come to the West.
In ancient traditions, a specific mantra was often bestowed upon a disciple by his guru or master to facilitate progress on his individual spiritual path.
The syllables of the mantra symbolized certain virtues or qualities to aspire to, and the mantra was often transferred by the master in secret.
In addition, the mantra was used to evoke spiritual fire from within the student and increase his devotion to God.
The word mantra is actually derived from two Sanskrit words, which literally mean "to free from the mind.
" The mantra is based on the science of sound.
The ancients understood that sound waves create a specific energy or vibration.
Mantras are said to free one from the common chattering of the mind, create positive thought waves and raise the spiritual frequency, eventually leading to attainment and enlightenment.
One of the most popular mantras from the Eastern traditions is the AUM or OM.
According to Hinduism, this is the primordial sound from which all creation arose.
This sound, repeated many times, is said to create a deep peace within the body.
Another well-known Buddhist mantra is Om Mani Padme Hum (pronounced ohm man-ee pad-may hoom).
The literal translation is "hail to the jewel in the lotus.
" Repetition of this mantra or prayer is said to invoke the attention and blessings of Chenrezig, the embodiment of compassion.
The written form of this mantra is also carved into stones and used in the prayer wheels of Tibet, which are spun repeatedly by devotees.
The key to the use of the mantra is its repetition and the belief in the practice.
Today, followers of more modern spiritual movements adopt their favorite mantra, or create their own collection of words, often called affirmations, chants or decrees.
Followers use these words to improve self-esteem, create peace and happiness, and invoke kindness and compassion for their fellow human beings.
Affirmations can be derived from ancient traditions or be created to express one's most personal spiritual feelings.
The mantra has been used in many Eastern religions for centuries, and has become popular as the use of meditation and other spiritual practices have come to the West.
In ancient traditions, a specific mantra was often bestowed upon a disciple by his guru or master to facilitate progress on his individual spiritual path.
The syllables of the mantra symbolized certain virtues or qualities to aspire to, and the mantra was often transferred by the master in secret.
In addition, the mantra was used to evoke spiritual fire from within the student and increase his devotion to God.
The word mantra is actually derived from two Sanskrit words, which literally mean "to free from the mind.
" The mantra is based on the science of sound.
The ancients understood that sound waves create a specific energy or vibration.
Mantras are said to free one from the common chattering of the mind, create positive thought waves and raise the spiritual frequency, eventually leading to attainment and enlightenment.
One of the most popular mantras from the Eastern traditions is the AUM or OM.
According to Hinduism, this is the primordial sound from which all creation arose.
This sound, repeated many times, is said to create a deep peace within the body.
Another well-known Buddhist mantra is Om Mani Padme Hum (pronounced ohm man-ee pad-may hoom).
The literal translation is "hail to the jewel in the lotus.
" Repetition of this mantra or prayer is said to invoke the attention and blessings of Chenrezig, the embodiment of compassion.
The written form of this mantra is also carved into stones and used in the prayer wheels of Tibet, which are spun repeatedly by devotees.
The key to the use of the mantra is its repetition and the belief in the practice.
Today, followers of more modern spiritual movements adopt their favorite mantra, or create their own collection of words, often called affirmations, chants or decrees.
Followers use these words to improve self-esteem, create peace and happiness, and invoke kindness and compassion for their fellow human beings.
Affirmations can be derived from ancient traditions or be created to express one's most personal spiritual feelings.