Why Would You Learn To Draw Over The Phone?
What holds you back from drawing?Probably some shame lingers from humiliations in the past.
You might have learned that your efforts were wrong or unworthy.
So you've remained wounded, limited by old fears.
Sometimes ignorance is bliss, when you're too busy to open to new possibilities.
What you don't know can't hurt you.
or help you either.
How do you jump the hurdle of learning to draw, without exposing yourself to others in the class watching ?Sure you'd like to learn to draw, but not at the risk of being shamed all over again.
Learning to draw in a live class is just a hotbed of possibilities for more humiliation.
Who needs a teacher standing over you ?Or, other learners watching your stumbling efforts ?Yuk !And how do you find a class nearby ? So how can you possibly learn to draw over the phone?Seems absurd, a compromise at best.
Or so I thought until I tried teaching heart-centred drawing by teleclass.
It blew our minds wide open ! Your goal is to draw things that look real, right?Trouble is, by putting all your focus on the end product, you can't experience the process.
Even if you take part in spite of all fear of ridicule, the end result still overshadows you.
So how can you learn to draw with heart if you don't look at the results? By allowing space to focus all your attention on the process, you aren't ignoring the results, you're just postponing judging them.
Sitting alone, unwatched, guided only by the teacher's voice, you can go deep inside, connect with your heart, and let the process flow.
Still trusting your heart, you will see the end results differently.
Most first time drawers from within are totally surprised.
This arm's length guidance, allows you to get closer to your true self in privacy.
Doors will be opened to possibilities like you've never imagined.
Take your new drawing while you're still stunned by it, scan it or photograph it, and put it up on your monitor.
Wow !There it is, front and centre, all framed, lighted, and focused.
Your critical mind will have to admit that your results look pretty darn amazing.
You'll know that you couldn't have reached these results had you tried with your "doing" mind.
Your heart has shown your judgmental mind what it never knew before - the magic of putting the creative process first.
It feels good too and it's fun.
As well as learning to draw with heart,overcoming fears unleashes powerful creative energy, and awakens countless possibilities for deeper personal growth.
You might have learned that your efforts were wrong or unworthy.
So you've remained wounded, limited by old fears.
Sometimes ignorance is bliss, when you're too busy to open to new possibilities.
What you don't know can't hurt you.
or help you either.
How do you jump the hurdle of learning to draw, without exposing yourself to others in the class watching ?Sure you'd like to learn to draw, but not at the risk of being shamed all over again.
Learning to draw in a live class is just a hotbed of possibilities for more humiliation.
Who needs a teacher standing over you ?Or, other learners watching your stumbling efforts ?Yuk !And how do you find a class nearby ? So how can you possibly learn to draw over the phone?Seems absurd, a compromise at best.
Or so I thought until I tried teaching heart-centred drawing by teleclass.
It blew our minds wide open ! Your goal is to draw things that look real, right?Trouble is, by putting all your focus on the end product, you can't experience the process.
Even if you take part in spite of all fear of ridicule, the end result still overshadows you.
So how can you learn to draw with heart if you don't look at the results? By allowing space to focus all your attention on the process, you aren't ignoring the results, you're just postponing judging them.
Sitting alone, unwatched, guided only by the teacher's voice, you can go deep inside, connect with your heart, and let the process flow.
Still trusting your heart, you will see the end results differently.
Most first time drawers from within are totally surprised.
This arm's length guidance, allows you to get closer to your true self in privacy.
Doors will be opened to possibilities like you've never imagined.
Take your new drawing while you're still stunned by it, scan it or photograph it, and put it up on your monitor.
Wow !There it is, front and centre, all framed, lighted, and focused.
Your critical mind will have to admit that your results look pretty darn amazing.
You'll know that you couldn't have reached these results had you tried with your "doing" mind.
Your heart has shown your judgmental mind what it never knew before - the magic of putting the creative process first.
It feels good too and it's fun.
As well as learning to draw with heart,overcoming fears unleashes powerful creative energy, and awakens countless possibilities for deeper personal growth.