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What Effect Does Domain Age Have On SEO?

With Google moving forwards with the way they analyze optimisation, us SEO consultants have seen unique content gain more credit in SEO (over loads of spammed links) as well as the age of the domain affect the way SEO works.
A good or bad thing? Here we discuss how domain age really affects search engine optimization.
Google has now started crediting domain ages, enabling older domains to have a distinct advantage over new domains.
It totally makes sense to any SEO consultant why Google has begun to use domain age as one of the considerations in SEO.
For one, an older domain name has been around for awhile, making it perhaps a more successful and reliable source, enabling searchers to get pick the most reliable sources and SEO consultants to achieve the results and recognition they deserve.
It also kicks those who use black hat tricks, over using the correct white hat methods, out of the possibility of good rankings.
Since spammers only spam for a short space of time, they will no longer be able to achieve higher rankings using these methods.
However, could this way of ranking still mean for many that they lose out on good SEO rankings? It is difficult to say the exact effects this has SEO.
But since, it is not the only factor on a SEO ranking, its effect is not as gigantic as it may seem.
For many, they can establish a good SEO ranking within a year of the domain name being registered.
But it is simply not just the date of registration that Google looks at but the number of back links and the length of period those back links were created over.
Thus, when a reputable business takes on a new domain name, it does not lose its ranking as the back links are redirected to the new website.
So with Google, it's about creating a library over a matter of months or even years of unique content with back links, which is quite advantageous to the white-hat SEO master.
But what about if your website is new? The fact is your website will take probably a year before it will have a steady and high up ranking, especially if you use a new domain.
However, if you opt for a domain that already is quite well ranked, you may not need to do as much work as you already have the advantage of having a hold of an older domain.
For sure, it is mostly beneficial to older businesses who have worked on their SEO for years, but it does not necessarily mean a new business cannot get a good ranking, since there are so many other factors involved in the search engine ranking system.

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