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Hanna-Barbera Magnets of the 70s

    The Flintstones

    • The Flintstones transported viewers to a simpler time. Fred, Wilma and Pebbles, members of the Flintstone family, rode around the town of Bedrock in a foot-powered car and owned a pet dogasaurus named Dino. Puffy magnets are available for the entire Flintstone family. Other magnets include Fred's best friend, Barney, and Barney's wife, Betty. Supermarket vending machines originally offered these magnets as prizes.

    The Jetsons

    • The Flintstones took us back to the Stone Age, but The Jetsons gave us a glimpse of the future. Viewers followed the adventures of George, Jane, Judy, and Elroy Jetson every Sunday night, and The Jetson's was ABC-TV's first color television program. Vintage vinyl magnets from the 1970s featured George, Judy and their children, as well as Rosie the Robot and Astro the Dog. Most magnets measure less than 5 inches tall.

    Yogi Bear

    • Yogi Bear began his television career on The Huckleberry Hound Show. Hanna-Barbera gave Yogi his own show in 1961, known as The Yogi Bear Show. Vintage fans can find this beloved character on everything from lapel pins to coat racks. Yogi Bear magnets come in puffy and vinyl styles, with Yogi, Boo Boo and the rest of the gang. In addition to the refrigerator magnets offered by other companies, Laurie Import manufactured a 9.5 inch blue plastic Yogi Bear Super Magnet in 1976. The magnet was similar to the red magnet Boo Boo used to pull items from Yogi Bear's picnic basket.


    • Scooby-Doo is one popular dog, even today; he makes appearances in everything from comic books to television shows and movies. A series of books by Enid Blighton that featured four crime-solving children and a dog inspired the original series. Vintage Freddy, Daphne, Shaggy, Scooby and Velma magnets are available in a variety of sizes and styles. The large clunky van, fondly referred to as The Mystery Machine, is also available. Many eBay sellers advertise the magnets as rare or hard to find.

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