SEO Tips To Think About
SEO or Search Engine Optimization is the most important factor that any webmaster needs to look into and often take care of, so that your website remains in the forefront in any search engine result page, for the kind of keywords and key phrases that visitors, each day type into the search box, to reach your websites from all quarters.
Just by decking up your website and sprucing up won't invite guests and visitors to make a beeline for your website.
To be able to do so would need constant upgrading your website with SEO factors that most search engines, particularly Google (as it is still the number one among search engines) takes into account.
Here are few tips that might be of some use to you, to help you improve your website SEO.
Content Rich Websites with Highly Relevant Key Word based Information Internet is a vast library of information that people from all across the world are each day seeking either for health, beauty, wealth or to build beautiful houses, landscape, gardens or to seek education, entertainment etc or to learn something practical and useful such as Forex trading, cooking etc.
They are mostly available in the form of intangible digital products be it simply reading matter, music, podcasts, movies, videos etc.
Naturally, what the Internet actually caters to a vast majority is only sheer information.
So those websites that offer relevant information based on those keywords that they type in through search engine are the ones that get noticed by Google and other search engines.
More the content with great information, fresh and crispy, the better would be the prospect of your website.
As a matter fact you must keep up dating your website with highly relevant information rich content, not less than 400 words each week.
Google always love fresh contents to cater to the growing appetite of its frequent visitors.
HTML Tags and their importance for indexing by Google or other Search Engines Title Based on the particular theme and the subject that you choose to discuss about in your website, by providing detailed information and products relevant to the theme, you must accordingly select a title for your site.
The title must be such, it should very briefly describe the kind of information or subject that the content discusses about.
Include those most important keywords that best describes the related content.
Description Just below the title give a small description as a meta tag that explains what the visitor to the website might expect from the content provided within the site.
This is the description that you come across right below the website, when it is displayed by the search engine in the result page.
Remember that whatever relevant keyword that you include in either the title or the meta tag description, must find mention in the body of the website that holds the content rich information in great details.
Do not include those words in the title or the meta tag that is not relevant to the content or is totally absent.
Do not use any words or texts that is hidden from visibility.
The search engines do not look at such practices kindly and does not take a moment to penalize your website and would never come up for display anymore.
URL Choose your URL or domain name carefully, so that the domain name relates to the subject you choose to discuss in your content with rich information.
This helps search engines to index your website well.
Photos, Graphics and flash Do not use photos, graphics and flash as their codes are not indexed by Google crawlers.
They are waste of time and effort, as they only make the websites sluggish to open.
Google does not like those websites that are slow to open, even with a slow internet connection.
Inbound Links and Outbound Links The more the number of inbound links that points in the direction of your website from other high ranking websites, the better will be its prospect, provided of course the websites from where the back links originate too are dealing in information and products much in similarity as those of yours.
The websites must already be ranking well with the search engines, particularly Google, and enjoying a large flow of traffic to its website.
Just having inbound links does not win the confidence of Google crawlers since it is equally important how many links originates from your websites too, that points in the direction of websites dealing with similar subject and themes.
So the more number of inbound links you have better will be your prospect with Google and more so if you have quality outbound links too.
XML or HTML Site Map If you have to get your website indexed by Google crawlers or those of the other major search engines, then to make matters easy for them it is best to provide a site map both in XML as well as HTML, depending upon what the search engines really want.
Now this is only the tip of the iceberg, but never the less you will be able to gain significant result with the search engines provided of course you have taken care of the above SEO factors as well as keep your content fresh to keep feeding your loyal but hungry potential visitors.
Personal Mentor for SEO and Internet Marketing However, like any talent or skill, be it swimming or playing the piano or sitar, you need a Guru, a personal mentor to act as your friend, guide and philosopher.
Much in the same analogy, you need a personal mentor too for learning the many nuances of website building and marketing to great success and prosperity.
Just by decking up your website and sprucing up won't invite guests and visitors to make a beeline for your website.
To be able to do so would need constant upgrading your website with SEO factors that most search engines, particularly Google (as it is still the number one among search engines) takes into account.
Here are few tips that might be of some use to you, to help you improve your website SEO.
Content Rich Websites with Highly Relevant Key Word based Information Internet is a vast library of information that people from all across the world are each day seeking either for health, beauty, wealth or to build beautiful houses, landscape, gardens or to seek education, entertainment etc or to learn something practical and useful such as Forex trading, cooking etc.
They are mostly available in the form of intangible digital products be it simply reading matter, music, podcasts, movies, videos etc.
Naturally, what the Internet actually caters to a vast majority is only sheer information.
So those websites that offer relevant information based on those keywords that they type in through search engine are the ones that get noticed by Google and other search engines.
More the content with great information, fresh and crispy, the better would be the prospect of your website.
As a matter fact you must keep up dating your website with highly relevant information rich content, not less than 400 words each week.
Google always love fresh contents to cater to the growing appetite of its frequent visitors.
HTML Tags and their importance for indexing by Google or other Search Engines Title Based on the particular theme and the subject that you choose to discuss about in your website, by providing detailed information and products relevant to the theme, you must accordingly select a title for your site.
The title must be such, it should very briefly describe the kind of information or subject that the content discusses about.
Include those most important keywords that best describes the related content.
Description Just below the title give a small description as a meta tag that explains what the visitor to the website might expect from the content provided within the site.
This is the description that you come across right below the website, when it is displayed by the search engine in the result page.
Remember that whatever relevant keyword that you include in either the title or the meta tag description, must find mention in the body of the website that holds the content rich information in great details.
Do not include those words in the title or the meta tag that is not relevant to the content or is totally absent.
Do not use any words or texts that is hidden from visibility.
The search engines do not look at such practices kindly and does not take a moment to penalize your website and would never come up for display anymore.
URL Choose your URL or domain name carefully, so that the domain name relates to the subject you choose to discuss in your content with rich information.
This helps search engines to index your website well.
Photos, Graphics and flash Do not use photos, graphics and flash as their codes are not indexed by Google crawlers.
They are waste of time and effort, as they only make the websites sluggish to open.
Google does not like those websites that are slow to open, even with a slow internet connection.
Inbound Links and Outbound Links The more the number of inbound links that points in the direction of your website from other high ranking websites, the better will be its prospect, provided of course the websites from where the back links originate too are dealing in information and products much in similarity as those of yours.
The websites must already be ranking well with the search engines, particularly Google, and enjoying a large flow of traffic to its website.
Just having inbound links does not win the confidence of Google crawlers since it is equally important how many links originates from your websites too, that points in the direction of websites dealing with similar subject and themes.
So the more number of inbound links you have better will be your prospect with Google and more so if you have quality outbound links too.
XML or HTML Site Map If you have to get your website indexed by Google crawlers or those of the other major search engines, then to make matters easy for them it is best to provide a site map both in XML as well as HTML, depending upon what the search engines really want.
Now this is only the tip of the iceberg, but never the less you will be able to gain significant result with the search engines provided of course you have taken care of the above SEO factors as well as keep your content fresh to keep feeding your loyal but hungry potential visitors.
Personal Mentor for SEO and Internet Marketing However, like any talent or skill, be it swimming or playing the piano or sitar, you need a Guru, a personal mentor to act as your friend, guide and philosopher.
Much in the same analogy, you need a personal mentor too for learning the many nuances of website building and marketing to great success and prosperity.