Determine Baby Gender - Do You Want to Make Sure You Either Conceive a Boy Or a Girl?
Are you ready to add a little boy or a little girl to your family? Did you know that there are ways to stack the odds heavily in your favor of conceiving exactly what you want? There are ways to determine baby gender before you ever conceive.
You can conceive either a boy or a girl with simple little changes to your daily lives.
There are many things you can do to help put the odds in your favor.
Here are a few helpful tips and one that will change your life forever.
First, if you want to have a boy you need to make sure you eat a good breakfast each day.
If you want a girl you should either skip breakfast or have a very light breakfast.
This is a proven fact from research and it works.
You should also consume at least 2,000 calories each day if you want to conceive a boy.
For conceiving a girl try to keep it around 1,500 or less in the calorie department.
Also, for a boy add plenty of potassium and sodium to your diet.
And for a girl add magnesium to your diet.
Second, you need to be tracking your ovulation.
You also need to understand the difference between male sperm and female sperm.
Male sperm are faster swimmer, but die fast.
Female sperm live longer, but are slower swimmer.
So, if you want a boy, then you need to have intercourse as close to ovulation as possible.
You should also avoid intercourse about 3 days before ovulation.
For a girl you should have intercourse 3 days before ovulation and avoid it from then until you are done ovulating.
The last tips is the most important and can literally change your life forever.
Imagine having the beautiful daughter you have always wanted.
Or the baby boy that will complete your family.
This can be a reality with this last tip.
There is an eBook called "Pick Your Babies Gender".
It has literally changed the lives of many couple and it contains every secret you could ever want to give yourself the best odds of conceiving the sex of baby you want.
With this eBook you can determine baby gender before you ever even conceive.
You can conceive either a boy or a girl with simple little changes to your daily lives.
There are many things you can do to help put the odds in your favor.
Here are a few helpful tips and one that will change your life forever.
First, if you want to have a boy you need to make sure you eat a good breakfast each day.
If you want a girl you should either skip breakfast or have a very light breakfast.
This is a proven fact from research and it works.
You should also consume at least 2,000 calories each day if you want to conceive a boy.
For conceiving a girl try to keep it around 1,500 or less in the calorie department.
Also, for a boy add plenty of potassium and sodium to your diet.
And for a girl add magnesium to your diet.
Second, you need to be tracking your ovulation.
You also need to understand the difference between male sperm and female sperm.
Male sperm are faster swimmer, but die fast.
Female sperm live longer, but are slower swimmer.
So, if you want a boy, then you need to have intercourse as close to ovulation as possible.
You should also avoid intercourse about 3 days before ovulation.
For a girl you should have intercourse 3 days before ovulation and avoid it from then until you are done ovulating.
The last tips is the most important and can literally change your life forever.
Imagine having the beautiful daughter you have always wanted.
Or the baby boy that will complete your family.
This can be a reality with this last tip.
There is an eBook called "Pick Your Babies Gender".
It has literally changed the lives of many couple and it contains every secret you could ever want to give yourself the best odds of conceiving the sex of baby you want.
With this eBook you can determine baby gender before you ever even conceive.