Family & Relationships Conflict

Emotional Effects of Being in an Unhealthy Relationship

Aside from the physical effects, those who are in unhealthy relationships for women can also suffer from a plethora of emotional problems which can take over their lives at some point.
This is what people who are in an unhealthy, yet non-violent relationship fail to realize which is why they do not make any effort whatsoever to find a new partner.
This is why it is important to take note of the emotional implications of being in a toxic relationship.
Here are some of the emotional effects of being in an unhealthy relationship for women.
Substance Dependency Being in unhealthy relationships for women can serve as a motivation for many to turn to substance abuse in order to cope up with their problem.
You do not even need to have a history of drug dependency or any form of substance usage in order to cope up with your problem with your partner.
As a matter of fact, a lack of experience in smoking or in using certain medications illegally can make you more vulnerable to substance abuse since this type of scenario will make it harder for you to realize that you are already smoking more than usual or that you are using your legally prescribed medications in the wrong way.
Low self-esteem Most of the time, people who are in unhealthy relationships are coupled with people who are very manipulative.
They can manipulate partners into thinking that they are not good enough for anybody else and that they will not be able to find someone else.
These people can also manipulate others to think that they do not have the ability to find and maintain a healthy relationship.
Hence, the toxic relationship that they currently have is the only shot that they have at having any relationship at all.
This lowers the self-esteem of the other person to the point that this problem will start manifesting in other aspects of that person's life such as work, Depression and Anxiety When you are constantly berated and are always talked down to or insulted, depression and anxiety becomes inevitable.
You will begin to see all your flaws and you will start thinking that other people are seeing it too.
You will start to feel helpless and that there is no way for you to get out of the toxic relationship that you are currently in.
Your lack of human interaction will also make it hard for you to cope up with other stressful or sad parts of your life such as work or monetary problems.
Ultimately, forcing yourself to go on dates that you are not happy with will take its toll as well.
Despite not being physical, these emotional effects of being in unhealthy relationships for women can still become life-threatening.
Aside from making you more vulnerable to suicidal thoughts or tendencies,you will also start developing actual and physical medical conditions which can be permanently debilitating such as heart and breathing problems.
This is why you should never underestimate the outcomes of these emotional effects of being in unhealthy relationships for women.

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