Bible Crafts for Three- to Five-Year-Olds
Friday, May/31/2019
- This craft is based on plants found in well-known Bible stories, such as the apple from the garden of Eden and the olive branch brought to Noah. Just cut the center out of a paper plate to make a wreath and have children draw the plants and fruits on the plate. Older children can cut the shapes out if they prefer.
- This craft is based on the passage in Genesis 25 where Jacob shared his stew with Esau. All that's needed is air-drying modeling clay and paint. Have children design and create their own bowl. The next day, they can use paint and glitter to decorate their bowl.
- This craft is perfect for sharing the story of Noah's Ark and the significance of God's rainbow. Prepare paper plates ahead of time by cutting them into rainbow-shaped arches. On the back, write "God Always Keeps His Promise." Each child can color his or her own rainbow while discussing the story.
Plants of the Bible
Jacob's Bowl
God's Rainbow of Promise
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