Health & Medical Self-Improvement

12 Step Programs - Don"t Go it Alone

Does your world seem upside down with a green sky when it should be right side up with a true beautiful blue? How can you change that upside down green sky into that right side up blue? Is there a program available that can help me do this? What if I told you there is a program which can help you change and transform all your problems, fears, and anxieties into peace and prosperity? Yes - it's true! List of 12 step programs.
You may think of 12 step recovery programs as the stereotypical AA which is not for you.
That is for those other people.
What you may not know, is that there are now 12 step programs for just about everything under the sun.
Emotions anonymous for people with overwhelming feelings of anxiety and fear, Al- Anon for friends or families of any dysfunction including alcohol, SAA and SLAA for people who have issues with sex or Internet porn, co-dependents anonymous for those struggling with relationship issues, even Al-Ateen for teenagers struggling in today's difficult social environment.
Life can be hard to deal with in our world today, you don't have to go it alone.
12 step programs are not affiliated with any religious or political sect, and they are completely anonymous.
This makes them a safe place to listen and learn from the experience and hope of others similar to yourself who have successfully overcome obstacles.
I promise you in these four walls there is hope where right now there may seem to be no hope.
What are the 12 steps? 1.
Admit our powerlessness 2.
Believe in a Greater Power 3.
Turn our life to God 4.
Take inventory 5.
Admit our wrongs 6.
Be willing to be healed 7.
Humbly ask God's healing 8.
Make a list of people we harmed 9.
Make direct amends 10.
Continue our inventory 11.
Prayer & Meditation 12.
Share the message If you have tried to gain inner peace through other avenues, this might be something you can try to achieve the goal for virtually no money.
You do have to bring a humble spirit by saying to yourself, "maybe I don't know everything there is to know", but there is no shame in that statement.
Not a single person on this earth can possibly know everything.
You're in great company - good news for you! Give this a try and see what happens.
You may discover everything you have been seeking, and more than you ever dreamed.

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