Family & Relationships Conflict

How To Get Your Ex Boyfriend to Love You Again, 4 Surefire Tips

When someone we love falls out of love with us, we are often left thinking why what happened to change their mind? Many times the reasons for their falling out of love have nothing to do with us. But, if love once existed between you and your ex boyfriend, then the possibility for creating that love can still become a reality and you can get your ex boyfriend to love you again in less time than you think.

1.) The best way to go about getting your ex boyfriend to love you again is to think back to the time when you both were in love. This time is usually at the very beginning of the relationship. What were you like? What was your ex boyfriend like? Chances are that throughout the relationship you picked up some rather unattractive qualities, which drove him away. It is important to understand that this is not your fault. Sometimes we just develop different qualities due to the things we have to go through during the relationship.

2.) If your ex boyfriend was a bit rude to you toward the end of the relationship, you may have developed low self esteem. If he was angry toward you, you have probably become defensive. When we start a new a relationship, we are self confident and flirtatious. In order to get back your ex boyfriend's love, you are going to have to act the way you did at the start of the relationship. Maybe there was a nice scent or a special outfit you wore a lot in the beginning of the relationship. It would be a great idea to wear those again in order to restart many of the memories of the way things used to be when everything was good and you both were happy.

3.) Another thing you need to do is play some music when you are around your ex boyfriend. Nothing brings back a memory like a song. Music has a very huge influence on the emotions and can take you back to that exact moment like nothing else can. It is all about enchanting your ex boyfriend and seeming mysterious toward him. Make him think about what you are doing by never revealing all of your thoughts to him. When you talk to him, be sure to hold something back. For example, you may be going out for the night, but do not let him know where you are going. Use flirtatious games with him by making him guess what you are up to. By doing this, you will intrigue him, which will inevitably cause him to become interested in you and want to start things up again.

4.) Most of all remain mysterious, but also show feelings of warmth and attraction toward him like you did in the beginning of the relationship. Always try to look your best when you see your ex boyfriend as well because a lot of men tend to love with their eyes. But personality is above all, the most important thing. When you have put enough effort in to getting your ex boyfriend to love you again, you can rest knowing that you both are once again, back together. When you feel as if love is dying, simply practice these surefire tips, and you should have no problem keeping your love.

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