What you can do to prevent Child Abduction during divorce.
Child abduction is one of the worst tactics people take during the divorce process. Sadly, in today's world, there are countless parental child abduction cases reported each year. According to the United States Department of Justice, each year 350,000 children are victims of child abduction when parents seperate or divorce. Many times, a parent abducts a child and moves to another state or even worse another country, which can create very serious problems.
When a divorce is messy and there is fear that one spouse may try to kidnap the child, it's best to be prepared. If you think your child has been abducted, call the Police immediately. If you have suspicions that your child might be abducted, consider the following:
Arguments over child custody during and after divorce are a commonplace. Abduction isn't what parents want to think about but it does happen. Another telling statistic is that somewhere in the United States a child goes missing every 40 seconds. A lot of these have innocent explanations such as kids visiting friends without telling their parents or a child wanders off while the parent pays for something at the mall. It is every parents nightmare but unfortunately child abduction is a reality.
Many parents have turned to the latest consumer technology available,
GPS Tracking, to help keep up with their children during messy divorce proceedings or just for additional peace of mind. With the latest GPS technology, parents can enjoy an extra layer of protection by knowing their childs whereabouts at all times. Devices are small and can easily be placed covertly into a childs stroller, jacket or backpack. Some devices even notify parents when their child leaves or enters a predesignated area. For example, a GPS device can email or text message parents when their child arrives or leaves their school, home and more.
GPS Tracking Devices are not cheap and can run a parent several hundred dollars. Then theres the cost of service. Many devices require a monthly service plan. There are many choices in the GPS Tracking industry today. This probably isn't the best time to save a buck or two but the most expensive device isn't always the best product. Research the products and services available before you buy a GPS Tracking device. Your child's safety just might depend on it.
When a divorce is messy and there is fear that one spouse may try to kidnap the child, it's best to be prepared. If you think your child has been abducted, call the Police immediately. If you have suspicions that your child might be abducted, consider the following:
- Keep a record of any threats.
- Notify your child's school if there is a threat of child abduction by the non-custodial parent.
- Speak with a divorce attorney before taking any measures to be sure you're within your legal rights.
- Keep an updated photo of your child each month as well as any identifying physical characteristics of your child.
- Make sure any teacher or babysitter is instructed that they are not to allow anyone to leave with your child unless that person has been authorized.
Arguments over child custody during and after divorce are a commonplace. Abduction isn't what parents want to think about but it does happen. Another telling statistic is that somewhere in the United States a child goes missing every 40 seconds. A lot of these have innocent explanations such as kids visiting friends without telling their parents or a child wanders off while the parent pays for something at the mall. It is every parents nightmare but unfortunately child abduction is a reality.
Many parents have turned to the latest consumer technology available,
GPS Tracking, to help keep up with their children during messy divorce proceedings or just for additional peace of mind. With the latest GPS technology, parents can enjoy an extra layer of protection by knowing their childs whereabouts at all times. Devices are small and can easily be placed covertly into a childs stroller, jacket or backpack. Some devices even notify parents when their child leaves or enters a predesignated area. For example, a GPS device can email or text message parents when their child arrives or leaves their school, home and more.
GPS Tracking Devices are not cheap and can run a parent several hundred dollars. Then theres the cost of service. Many devices require a monthly service plan. There are many choices in the GPS Tracking industry today. This probably isn't the best time to save a buck or two but the most expensive device isn't always the best product. Research the products and services available before you buy a GPS Tracking device. Your child's safety just might depend on it.