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Prospecting in Today"s Market - Put Web 2.0 to Work For You

Do not get caught up on the word "prospecting.
" A lot of salespeople think that prospecting is going to an unfamiliar place and trying to convince a stranger to buy your product.
That is not any fun, is it? And since it is not any fun we do not do it.
Well that is not what prospecting is at all.
That is called "going to an unfamiliar place and trying to convince a stranger to buy your product.
" Prospecting is doing things today to give you guaranteed sales down the road.
Start filling your pipeline with guaranteed sales down the road right now.
Just look at prospecting the same as you would advertising.
Prospecting is simply letting people know who you are, what you do and where you work.
It is nothing more than that and it is NOT complicated or difficult.
However it is crucial to your long term success.
When I started in sales many years ago, prospecting meant handing out business cards everywhere I went, leaving flyers on car windshields and doors, and keeping up with a mailing list that I sent out newsletters every 45 days.
Don't get me wrong, I feel those are still very effective, but why not put the power of Web 2.
0 on your side and reach a much larger audience at a much quicker rate.
And with this newer method, it is "always on", meaning when your prospect is ready for your service and goes searching, THAT is when your name and information pops up to them.
According to research statistics, 30% of everyone has a family member who will be purchasing a vehicle within the next 90 days.
Further, 62% of everyone knows someone who will be purchasing a vehicle within the next 90 days.
Now it is time to put those statistics to work for you.
Let everyone know what you do, and KEEP your information in front of them so they do not forget when it is time to mention your name to their friend or family member who is in the market RIGHT NOW.
There are so many benefits to using the web for prospecting versus conventional methods.
Not only will you reach a much larger audience at a quicker rate, but it is also LESS expensive and less time consuming than the old ways we were taught to prospect.
In about an hour's worth of time, you can set up a free profile on Facebook and MySpace, create a new Squidoo Lens and a Hubpage and start reaching prospects in your market within minutes.
What's the cost to you? NOTHING! What's the benefit? Well, imagine when someone types into Google that YOUR information is near the top of the page.
The prospect clicks on the link and there is all your contact information, along with a quick word on why they should buy from you.
What is that going to do for your business and sales? Students from our 2-Day Selling Skills Workshop tell us these changes they make in their prospecting and advertising methods have the biggest impact on bringing prospects and traffic directly to them.
Plus they appreciate the directions that are laid out step-by-step on how to make the quickest impact in the shortest amount of time.
I remember years ago some people were afraid of computers because they might "break" them.
And the thought of the internet absolutely petrified them.
The newer Web 2.
0 is more user friendly than ever before, so there's no reason to procrastinate any longer.

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