Prayer That Works VIII - NOW
Get a Grip on Living At the Point of Paradox One aspect of prayer that seems to be unanimously common is the place where all prayer starts-from desire or need.
The interesting thing is, once a need or desire is acknowledged, then that should be the last of giving the absence of it any energy.
That is, if you believe you have received, anyway.
And your answer can only materialise when you have accepted it as 'Done! That's what aligning yourself for the receiving of it means.
This component of prayer has to be one of the most mystifying to the average pray-er, but it is perhaps more simple than immediately obvious, even if not easy.
I have repeatedly spoken of the essential practice of remaining focussed on what you want.
Keeping your eyes and heart fixed on your desired outcome is the name of the game, and doing it with consistency is crucial for establishing your faith as a rock solid anchor.
Just as important, is doing it from a place of ease, joy and blessed assurance.
You'll find all the difficulty arises from the fear of NOT receiving, so it stands that all your attention needs to go where it's going to do the most good and be the most effective- on enjoying the feeling of having what you do want.
First Things First Jesus said "...
believe you have received and you will have...
" (Mark 11:24) I realise how backward this can sound, but life literally works from the inside out.
LITERALLY! Your external reality comes after your inner state.
Believing you receive must happen first.
We live in this place of confidence about many things all the time.
When was the last time you questioned having the oxygen to breathe your next breath? Or considered telling your heart to play its next beat? Regardless of anything you may feel you lack, you have many more countless points of abundance in your having.
Giving thought to, and feeling appreciation for, these 'givens' is a great platform to begin to build your resonant connection with extended versions of provision.
Your Future is NOW The bulk of our concerns about the future disappear once we really grasp the fact that all our tomorrows are being provided for, right NOW.
Where we are in our emotional well being in this very second is determining what comes next in our experiential reality.
NOW is the time of God's favour (2Cor 6:2) NOW is the day of salvation(2Cor 6:2) NOW faith is the substance of things hoped for (Heb 11:1) NOW this is eternal life (John 17:3) Time is an illusion.
It's a relative measure of human construction to aid in the harnessing of it as a resource and a selling off of it as a commodity.
But its most potent quality is not only underrated, in some cases, it is utterly scorned.
That quality is NOW...
and how you feel about it.
Every single thing you desire, need or yearn for is already given.
The only obstruction to your receiving it is you believing you have.
I know this can be maddeningly irritating to hear, but rather than be irritated, why not master the art of receiving? Or as Abraham-Hicks calls it The Art of Allowing.
Actually, I think it is more accurately termed the art of knowing, because once you know something it has become experiential for you and you will not be shaken.
Going from Fear to Faith NOW So, here it is! Equip yourself in the 'good' times and all Truths will hold you steadfast when it really counts! 1.
Define something you want to experience change in.
Eg Finances, relationship, health...
Acknowledge that God lives inside you, through you and as you and LOVES you.
He is not mad at you nor wanting to punish you for anything.
God gives freely no matter what, but a clear conscience brings a confidence to receive and is the starting place for prayer that works.
This is where believing that Jesus died for you can be applied most powerfully-not to appease 'wrath of God' but to let go of your own self condemnation.
Then, the illusion of being separate from God is shattered and guilt is no longer relevant.
Quantify and qualify the change you want now that you accept that you and God are one.
e how do you want it to be? The Bible says God gives you desires of your heart(Ps 37:4) and that he satisfies your desires with good things(Ps 103:5).
It says, he graciously gives us all things(Rom 8:32), every good and perfect gift (james 1:17), long life, riches, honour, wisdom( Pr 3:16) well being, God will bless the work of your hands, favour with kings, peace with enemies, fullness of joy...
what do YOU want? 4.
Assemble images, sayings, songs, mantras, create drawings, paintings, detailed descriptions of the way you want it to be and go to work at indoctrinating yourself through total immersion in these truths.
DECIDE to entertain nothing else! COMMIT to it! And then, just keep practising it! You must CHOOSE to believe, then labour to enter into the 'rest of faith'.
(Heb 4) 5.
Every day, before you do anything, write out a lengthy affirmation of how you want this aspect of your life to be.
Take your time and really emotionally connect with what you are writing.
Here's a sample to begin with: God has made me the creator of my own reality.
Nothing can happen to me without my 'invitation' and no one can do anything to me that I am not a vibrational match for.
I let everyone else off the hook and focus on aligning my won heart.
God has set things up in such a way that whatever I choose to focus my intention and attention upon-and how it makes me feel-is what I will make manifest in my life.
He did this so that I can create, just like Him.
I create the blueprint of my life through my focus and the universe, functioning under God's design and without any discrimination, orchestrates the construction, matching my state with resonantly equivalent experiences.
Through this system, I can also see where things aren't aligned with my desires and how I need to change my focus and better attune myself to the outcomes I want.
I am grateful for this guidance and for my emotional guidance, which is even more acute.
It all starts with how I feel NOW.
It all ends with how I feel NOW.
Thought by thought I am getting better at receiving______ [type in your desired request]__.
Feeling by feeling, I am getting better at allowing_______ [type in your desired request]__.
And moment by moment, I am growing to know more deeply that _ [type in your desired request]__.
I am the creator of my own reality, assisted by God, who is in all things, moving and motivating all things, for the good of all, to help me fulfill my dreams.
The clearer I get about what I want and the more I dwell on it, enjoying it, the more effectively God is able to bring it to fruition.
Once I am completely and utterly convinced, sustaining my confidence, my dreams will manifest and I will thinking of new ones.
Until then, I do the work, thought by thought, feeling by feeling, labouring to enter into rest.
I let patience have her perfect way in me and I persevere, growing in peace and joy, knowing that all I ever need to do is stay convinced NOW.
Thank you God for showing me how to live in this world in true freedom! GO FOR IT!
The interesting thing is, once a need or desire is acknowledged, then that should be the last of giving the absence of it any energy.
That is, if you believe you have received, anyway.
And your answer can only materialise when you have accepted it as 'Done! That's what aligning yourself for the receiving of it means.
This component of prayer has to be one of the most mystifying to the average pray-er, but it is perhaps more simple than immediately obvious, even if not easy.
I have repeatedly spoken of the essential practice of remaining focussed on what you want.
Keeping your eyes and heart fixed on your desired outcome is the name of the game, and doing it with consistency is crucial for establishing your faith as a rock solid anchor.
Just as important, is doing it from a place of ease, joy and blessed assurance.
You'll find all the difficulty arises from the fear of NOT receiving, so it stands that all your attention needs to go where it's going to do the most good and be the most effective- on enjoying the feeling of having what you do want.
First Things First Jesus said "...
believe you have received and you will have...
" (Mark 11:24) I realise how backward this can sound, but life literally works from the inside out.
LITERALLY! Your external reality comes after your inner state.
Believing you receive must happen first.
We live in this place of confidence about many things all the time.
When was the last time you questioned having the oxygen to breathe your next breath? Or considered telling your heart to play its next beat? Regardless of anything you may feel you lack, you have many more countless points of abundance in your having.
Giving thought to, and feeling appreciation for, these 'givens' is a great platform to begin to build your resonant connection with extended versions of provision.
Your Future is NOW The bulk of our concerns about the future disappear once we really grasp the fact that all our tomorrows are being provided for, right NOW.
Where we are in our emotional well being in this very second is determining what comes next in our experiential reality.
NOW is the time of God's favour (2Cor 6:2) NOW is the day of salvation(2Cor 6:2) NOW faith is the substance of things hoped for (Heb 11:1) NOW this is eternal life (John 17:3) Time is an illusion.
It's a relative measure of human construction to aid in the harnessing of it as a resource and a selling off of it as a commodity.
But its most potent quality is not only underrated, in some cases, it is utterly scorned.
That quality is NOW...
and how you feel about it.
Every single thing you desire, need or yearn for is already given.
The only obstruction to your receiving it is you believing you have.
I know this can be maddeningly irritating to hear, but rather than be irritated, why not master the art of receiving? Or as Abraham-Hicks calls it The Art of Allowing.
Actually, I think it is more accurately termed the art of knowing, because once you know something it has become experiential for you and you will not be shaken.
Going from Fear to Faith NOW So, here it is! Equip yourself in the 'good' times and all Truths will hold you steadfast when it really counts! 1.
Define something you want to experience change in.
Eg Finances, relationship, health...
Acknowledge that God lives inside you, through you and as you and LOVES you.
He is not mad at you nor wanting to punish you for anything.
God gives freely no matter what, but a clear conscience brings a confidence to receive and is the starting place for prayer that works.
This is where believing that Jesus died for you can be applied most powerfully-not to appease 'wrath of God' but to let go of your own self condemnation.
Then, the illusion of being separate from God is shattered and guilt is no longer relevant.
Quantify and qualify the change you want now that you accept that you and God are one.
e how do you want it to be? The Bible says God gives you desires of your heart(Ps 37:4) and that he satisfies your desires with good things(Ps 103:5).
It says, he graciously gives us all things(Rom 8:32), every good and perfect gift (james 1:17), long life, riches, honour, wisdom( Pr 3:16) well being, God will bless the work of your hands, favour with kings, peace with enemies, fullness of joy...
what do YOU want? 4.
Assemble images, sayings, songs, mantras, create drawings, paintings, detailed descriptions of the way you want it to be and go to work at indoctrinating yourself through total immersion in these truths.
DECIDE to entertain nothing else! COMMIT to it! And then, just keep practising it! You must CHOOSE to believe, then labour to enter into the 'rest of faith'.
(Heb 4) 5.
Every day, before you do anything, write out a lengthy affirmation of how you want this aspect of your life to be.
Take your time and really emotionally connect with what you are writing.
Here's a sample to begin with: God has made me the creator of my own reality.
Nothing can happen to me without my 'invitation' and no one can do anything to me that I am not a vibrational match for.
I let everyone else off the hook and focus on aligning my won heart.
God has set things up in such a way that whatever I choose to focus my intention and attention upon-and how it makes me feel-is what I will make manifest in my life.
He did this so that I can create, just like Him.
I create the blueprint of my life through my focus and the universe, functioning under God's design and without any discrimination, orchestrates the construction, matching my state with resonantly equivalent experiences.
Through this system, I can also see where things aren't aligned with my desires and how I need to change my focus and better attune myself to the outcomes I want.
I am grateful for this guidance and for my emotional guidance, which is even more acute.
It all starts with how I feel NOW.
It all ends with how I feel NOW.
Thought by thought I am getting better at receiving______ [type in your desired request]__.
Feeling by feeling, I am getting better at allowing_______ [type in your desired request]__.
And moment by moment, I am growing to know more deeply that _ [type in your desired request]__.
I am the creator of my own reality, assisted by God, who is in all things, moving and motivating all things, for the good of all, to help me fulfill my dreams.
The clearer I get about what I want and the more I dwell on it, enjoying it, the more effectively God is able to bring it to fruition.
Once I am completely and utterly convinced, sustaining my confidence, my dreams will manifest and I will thinking of new ones.
Until then, I do the work, thought by thought, feeling by feeling, labouring to enter into rest.
I let patience have her perfect way in me and I persevere, growing in peace and joy, knowing that all I ever need to do is stay convinced NOW.
Thank you God for showing me how to live in this world in true freedom! GO FOR IT!