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Ron Paul & the Rebirth of America: Remember the Constitution, Remember God, Be Born Again

prophetess D             7000 words

An obstetrician, who has been a representative in congress for 20 years, consistently saying REMEMBER THE CONSTITUTION, is trying to re-birth America.

The fact that he is an obstetrician is symbolic of the fact that he is saying REMEMBER the Manual Given to this country when it was born - the Constitution. 

And, God is using him to try to re-birth America.

He has been a consistent prophetic witness to congress, saying REMEMBER THE CONSTITUTION.

Now he is running for president, taking his case directly to the American people. God is using him as a prophetic witness to us, saying REMEMBER the CONSTITUTION.

And God is using him symbolically, as an obstetrician, to tell us, REMEMBER GOD. Be BORN AGAIN.

His bumper stickers should say, Remember the Constitution. Remember God. Be Born Again.

Jesus said "unless ye be born again, ye will not see the kingdom of heaven." John 3:3

It is a Christian message and a political message. The two are intertwined. One of the founding fathers said that in order for our society to function based on the constitution, we needed to be a moral godly society, or it wouldn't work.

We need to be born again spiritually and politically. Individually and collectively. Our individual and collective destinies are intertwined.

Our spiritual and political lives are interconnected. What we do spiritually affects what happens politically.

It would be nice if when babies were born, they had a manual attached to their foot telling how to care for them.

The closest thing to that is the bible which was given to humanity as a guide for how to live. 

The 10 commandments were laws given to the Jews for their birth as a people, by God.

The New Testament is a guide telling us how to be born again, according to Jesus.

Jesus said "Unless ye be born again, ye will not see the kingdom of Heaven" John 3:3 

God's priority for individuals is that they get saved & born again, by repenting of their sins, accepting Jesus as savior, getting baptized and being filled with the Holy Spirit. That is a spiritual rebirth. 

If we accept God's message and get reborn spiritually then God will give us back our constitution. If we reject the message to repent and be born again, then we may lose the constitutional rights that were entrusted to us. 

The constitution gives us freedoms. In God's eyes that is not Freedom to sin. It is Freedom FROM sin. If we seek a relationship with God and ask His help, he will help us NOT to sin. But if we reject that relationship, we will become slaves to sin. The bible says that he who sins is a slave to sin. Bondage is of the devil not God. 

The bible says that "where the Spirit of the Lord, is, there is liberty" 2 Corinthians 3:17.

Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty and his campaign for the Presidency are a forum to get the whole country to think about what has happened to our constitutional rights, our government and society. 

It is an opportunity for radical change from the values and directions this country has been going.

Ron Paul wrote a book called The Revolution. 

That is what this is. If we make the wrong choice in our destiny, the consequences will be severe.

We need a return to not only the constitutional rights, but also the morality that was the basis for them. 

The man is also a Christian, and his values are Christian values. At 76, his whole life hearkens back to an era when people thought and behaved differently. 

Now, people think we need government mandated health insurance to make sure that everyone gets the care they need.

Years ago, when Paul was practicing in his ob/gyn practice, he had the reputation of treating many people for free. He expects that others would do the same. 

That is why he is a Libertarian, against so much government regulation and mandates to 'do the right thing'.

He's right. If everyone was like him we wouldn't need government healthcare. Unfortunately, today everyone is not.

Therein lies the problem.

The solution is for everyone to be born again. If they are filled with the Spirit of God, and obeying God, there will be a revival of our society and abundant good deeds. More people will treat others for free, just as Ron Paul Did. We won't NEED government mandated insurance for health-care. The problem is not money. We don't need to pay for healthcare, we just need people to help others for free. 

Also, God heals directly by the Holy Spirit. So those who renew faith in God will be able to pray for God to heal them rather than needing doctors. God is free, makes no mistakes and has no side effects.

If we choose God first, then we will create the society we need. 

The bible says "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all else will be provided to you".

Matthew 6:33

One of the founding fathers wrote that the liberties guaranteed by our constitution required a moral society, who lived by biblical values. 

Otherwise, the freedoms would be exploited by greedy evil people for personal gain at the expense of others.

That is the situation we now find ourselves in as a country.

The corporations, who have no soul, want freedom to exploit everyone for financial gain, unhindered. 

Ron Paul has said, we now live in a corporatist state. That is, a society where the corporations and government are intertwined. The corporations run the government. Our government, that is supposed to be of the people, by the people, for the people, is being run by corporations, who serve only themselves.

When people hear libertarian ideals like limited government with little regulation on free speech, businesses etc, they wonder, how is that supposed to work when the corporations serve only themselves at the expense of everyone else?

A legitimate question.

When God was taken out of the schools years ago, the whole fabric of society began to unravel. There was no longer a biblical standard of morality, We live in an age of moral relativism, where people have been brought up being told there is no absolute right or wrong, or that those who believe in biblical values are intolerant and narrow-minded and have no right to impose their morality on the rest of society.

Fine. You wanted a completely free society with no religious restraints. You got it. Moral chaos. Freedom from religion.

So now the people who run these corporations who have no social conscience, do whatever they want at the expense of the rest of society. 

The freedoms guaranteed in our constitution will not work they way they should, in such an ungodly, immoral society. That is the problem. 

So the people running government have been saying, OK we need more government regulation to control the amoral monsters who exploit everyone. 

So then we get the big government monster, a communist socialist state that tells EVERYONE how to live. Is that a Free society? Is communist Russia or China a Free society? They don't think so. Government telling you to only have 1 child or face sanctions, mandating abortions to enforce it? Not exactly free.

If we are going to clamor for our constitutional rights, we also need to reclaim our moral conscience and the godly values that were the basis for those rights. There is no other way. 

Those who are not self-regulating invite external control. A police state. 

And the conundrum is that the police state is now in service of the corporations rather than the people. There is no doubt. The law is being used to protect private corporate interests rather than the civil liberties of its citizens. 

On the anniversary of the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr, it is time to reflect on this.

What happened during the civil rights movement was that citizens who were being abused by immoral businesses clamored for their rights. The lunch counters that refused to serve blacks were used as examples of discrimination that would no longer be tolerated. The law was used to enforce anti-discrimination laws. The argument that these were private businesses was considered illegitimate. 

Something has happened in the last 50 years. 

It is as if the Civil Rights Movement never happened.

We are suddenly now in a society where private businesses can now refuse service to anyone they so choose, for no reason, or any reason. When they do this and call the police to demand that people leave, the police say "This is a private business. They can refuse service to anyone and do whatever they want. "

What happened to our civil rights?

I have had this same conversation with cops about 20 times in the last 5 years. I tell them, 'the civil rights movement happened so they can't do that." Usually they say, "you can sue them in civil court." or they say "there's nothing we can do. It's a private company/corporation." 

I ask them, "did you swear to uphold the constitution or just NY state laws?" They have told me, "just NY state laws." So if those laws are unconstitutional, they think it is irrelevant. 

In a more recent conversation, a cop told me that they were sworn to uphold both. So I asked "what do you do if the NY laws conflict with the constitution?" He didn't know. They weren't told what to do.   I told him they need to obey the constitution since it is higher. 

Then I explained how the mental health laws are completely unconstitutional. The system is institutionalized slavery, since the hospitals hold people just for insurance money. So turning someone over to a hospital is selling them into slavery. It is kidnapping.

The drugs cause mental illness rather than cure it. So it is completely counterproductive to bring anyone to a psych hospital.The drugs are toxic & deadly by design, so sending them there is criminal- it is reckless endangerment. He agreed to take them to a pentecostal church for prayer, instead, if they needed help.

The young ones seem to know nothing about history. They don't know about the civil rights movement. All I get are blank looks. 

Clearly, we are now living in a corporatist state where the police are serving the interests of private businesses and corporations, not people. 

What happened? Our government has been hijacked. Our society has been hijacked.

Rick Perry did something that was on the right track.

He participated in a huge prayer rally where people collectively repented to God for our sins and asked for His mercy and forgiveness and guidance. 

This is what SHOULD have happened right after 911.

Our collective question should have been "What have we done that has allowed our enemies to get authority to attack us?" (whether these were external enemies, as the government claimed, or internal enemies, like the 911 truthers claimed, is secondary. )

The psalms say "when a man's ways please the Lord, He maketh his enemies to be at peace with him." Proverbs 16:7

Either way, God allowed a horrific judgment as a SIGN to us to repent. Of what? GREED, Idolatry of money. The twin towers were a symbol of corporate America asserting their dominance over our country and the world.

And a voice from Heaven said "Down with you."

Just like the Tower of Babel, that men built to reach the heavens.

The bible says that the "love of money is the root of all evil" 

We might say, well how about love of power. They are interrelated. Those with money have power. Worldly power. 

But there is another kind of Power, that is not about money. That is the power of God. And authority to invoke that power comes from having moral authority, being right with God.

The power of God is unlimited and has authority over every other kind, ultimately. Make no mistake. God shows his power through "acts of God" all the time, to convey messages of correction. 

It is not for no reason that we call earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, tornados, blizzards etc "Acts of God". They ARE. He uses them for various purposes. For judgement, to get people to repent, to get people's attention. The bible says this. This is a normal way of God giving us a message. 

Then there are people who don't want to acknowledge it, who say "that is just nature".

OK so then God uses "non-natural" attention getters as well. He uses people to do things too. To judge each other for their sins. 

In the old Testament there is a story where God says to the Jews "I'm going to use my servant Nebuchadnezzar to judge you for your sins." The people argue and say "but he's worse than us!" to which God replies "I know. I'll deal with him later. But right now, I'm using him to judge YOU."

So when Muslim terrorists say God uses them to judge America for her sins, they are not lying. Rather than demonize them, we should be asking God WHY he allows it. When they call the US the great Sat- because of our ungodly entertainment which pollutes the world; the sex, violence, drugs, alcohol, abortion, homosexuality, the greed, you think they don't have a point?

God judged Sodom & Gomorrah because of their sexual immorality. The word SODOMY comes from that, and it refers to unnatural sex, either hetero or homosexual. God has NOT changed his attitude about homosexuality. It was sin then, and still is, in His eyes. 

Arabic banking laws which follows Shariah do NOT allow charging interest, or investing in gambling, drugs, alcohol, pornography. Our whole banking system has collapsed because Private banks lend money to the government and charge interest. 

Islamic banking considers that to be unethical a violation of usury laws. God forbids usury in the Old Testament. So their idea of ethical banking is closer to the God of the bible than our current practices. 

Banking is a major area that God considers unethical and which has become a major issue. We should take a better look at THEIR banking practices and use them. They are not the ones being unethical here; the US is. (This all came from the banking families who have printed money and controlled the currencies for years in Europe). 

The Federal Reserve is a group of private banks who print money and charge our government interest, that is where our debt comes from. The whole thing is unethical, and completely unconstitutional. The constitution expressly says the TREASURY is supposed to print our money, at NO interest. There wouldn't be all this debt if that is what we had been doing. That is why Ron Paul has been saying for 30 years, we need to end the fed. 

Every president that has tried to re-institute having the treasury print money, was shot. JFK was the last one. Someone in power does not want to change the arrangement. 

The Bible provides a jubilee year every 7 years where all debts are forgiven. That is the source of our bankruptcy laws; to wipe the slate clean and give people a new start. So why don't we just default on this usurious debt to these private banks and say "this debt is not legitimate. We're not paying." End of story. Affirming this debt is like carrying around false guilt. It's a scam.

It is as ludicrous to me as when mental hospitals hold people involuntarily, which is kidnapping, and then BILL them for their "treatment". Are you kidding? Who pays their kidnappers to hold them?

The l993 bombing of the Twin Towers was a warning of judgment coming. A call to repentance. 

I remember seeing Phil Donohue's program where he had 2 people on who had been in the World Trade Center. One had gone out to church during her lunch hour. She was unharmed. The other had had to run down 70 floors and had a sooty face. The contrast was symbolic- that seeking God would protect people from judgment. 

The 911 destruction of the towers was also a warning of bigger judgment, a call to repentance. 

It says in Jeremiah 18 that if God warns of judgment, but people repent, he will relent of judgment.

God told Jonah to tell Ninevah that judgement was coming. The people of Ninevah called a fast and repented. God relented.

Revelation 18 in the New Testament describes a city prominent in trade and culture that is destroyed in one hour. It is referred to as Babylon. This is spiritual Babylon. I have felt repeatedly, while praying about this, over the years, that it is describing NYC. Others who are also called prophetically are saying the same thing.

God told me 20 years ago, "tell the Jews to leave NY and go to Israel". He gave me Ezekiel 33, which tells the prophet to warn people of danger. 

I used to tell Jews and they would say 'that's crazy it's safer here."

When 911 happened, I saw it live on TV, in another state. Right after that, God said to me, "Tell Them NOW".

In 2002 I heard the word PUTIN.

Then God said to me, twice, "Tell them the sword is coming" This was from Ezekiel 33.

What does it say in Revelation 18: "Come out of her, my people. Partake not of her sins."

If the US attacks Iran, that will provoke an attack on the US by Russia or China because Iran has treaties with them for protection.

So Putin, when he becomes President in March 2012, could nuke NYC.

Other have had visions of the US being invaded by China and Russia.

China is already hauling off our water from the Great Lakes. Jesse Ventura in his show Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura talked about this. They need our resources.  And they are already occupying our country - they own our debt, so they own us. All our products are made there.  

The Occupy movement is symbolic that we are already being occupied economically - by them. And a warning that we will be occupied when they invade? 

God has used his prophets symbolically in two ways; both verbally giving messages and acting symbolically.  He used the prophet Ezekiel in both ways; to give verbal messages and also had him lie on his side for 40 days facing a model of Jerusalem, as a sign that Jerusalem would come under siege.

Months ago I was working one night and a soldier came into the office. He was from China, he told me. He said he worked for FEMA.  I thought - interesting. People have been saying foreign troops will come here & are already in this country under UN auspices.

The concentration camps that have been built by KBR will be run by FEMA - they are called FEMA camps. (KBR, Kellog, Brown & Root, a subsidiary of Halliburton, got a contract to build detention camps all around the country in 2006, for "illegal immigrants & other unspecified purposes). 

FEMA is structured in such a way that it does NOT answer to the president - it is a rogue government under the 'shadow government'. 

So it is already known that foreign troops will be used to try to put US citizens into them, and who will be more willing to shoot Americans than American soldiers, if & when the government declares martial law.


So this was also a prophetic warning.   I heard the word "moving in" in my spirit- from God. So this was also a "SIGN" that the "occupiers" are "moving in".

Meanwhile, in Ezekiel 38 the scripture says God will put a hook in the neck of Russia and have her attack Israel, but God will smite them, to show His glory. Which means, if Iran and Russia attack Israel, there will be a supernatural protection by God. That is what happened during the first Gulf War. Saddam Hussein sent 39 scuds into Tel Aviv, and not one exploded. This was supernatural protection. 

God uses Israel to be an object lesson to the world that HE EXISTS and will protect His people. So He does it supernaturally so there will be no mistake. God IS REAL - ISRAEL. A pun?

Ron Paul wants to stop all foreign military aid. He says Israel can take care of herself, she doesn't need US protection. I agree.

God uses small armies that are outnumbered to have victory as a testimony that God was protecting them. The bible is full of these kinds of stories. The 39 scud story is another one. 

The US should not be selling arms to Israel and all of her Arab neighbors (there is more sold to the Arabs than Israel). This just destabilizes the region. God will protect Israel. This only has been happening due to the military industrial industry's need for contracts, i.e. Money. Killing people is not a good business to be in, morally. It is good business and has been behind every war, but it is exploitation of the population for the purposes of whoever is profiteering from these wars. 

This is an example of the biblical scripture  "the love of money is the root of all evil". 1Timothy 6:10

We need to give people jobs building roads and bridges, repairing the infrastructure, not building weapons to exterminate the world's population. 

If Ron Paul was president would he be able to stop the military industrial complex's control over government policy and this country that Eisenhower warned us about? ONLY WITH GOD'S HELP. 

The Bible says "Blessed are the peacemakers" Matthew 5:9

Jesus said "With God All things are possible". Matthew 19:26

Maybe it would be like David & Goliath, and God would protect him and help him stand up to those monsters and reclaim our country. 

To be able to do so, one would need to have moral standing to have God's protection .

Ron Paul has integrity, honesty and consistency. He might be the one. He has been standing by his principles for 20 years in congress, a prophetic voice in the wilderness, as a witness against everyone else there.

He has refused to vote for any legislation that violates the constitution. He has voted against all of the laws that shredded our constitutional rights, like the Patriot Act.

He has NOT taken money from the all-powerful drug lobby. That separates him from everyone else. 

The drug companies have hijacked the AMA, the med schools and the hippocratic oath to do no harm. They market drugs that are ineffective in what they claim to do and harm and kill people, for money. This is the real truth. The health-care system is being used to genocide the population through toxic drugs, vaccines. The social engineers want to depopulate the planet by 90% and are using health care sneakily to do it. Abortion and sterilization, which they call "reproductive health care" is part of that plan.

See my article "The new world order-prophetic warning to Jews, Christians & everyone." on the depopulation plans and plans for one world goverment by the social engineers.



Ron Paul is pro-life. He does not support abortion.

In his book Liberty Defined  he says that abortion is a definite violation of the hippocratic oath to do no harm,  so no doctor should do it, regardless of what the law says. 

Abortion is sin in God's eyes. A president who takes a moral stand against it will have standing to bring God's protection to this country.

This is why there were no more major attacks under George W Bush. Not because of DHS, but rather because he took a moral stand against supporting abortion and stem cell research.

Ron Paul, in being anti-abortion, is being a prophetic witness to this country that Abortion is Sin.

He is being used, like Ezekiel, both by what he says and what he is- an obstetrician telling us to be "born again".

John F. Kennedy tried to do some moral things, taking a stand against the CIA that had hijacked our government, and against the Federal Reserve, which Ron Paul has said for 30 years should be dismantled

JFK gave a speech warning about a "ruthless conspiracy" and said he intended to warn the American people. He was talking about masonry, which is really sata-ism at the top level. 2 weeks later, he was shot. By the CIA, like every other assasination. They have been running our government ever since WWII. 

Operation Paperclip brought nazi scientists here who took over NASA & the CIA, where they ran MKULTRA, a program that brainwashed assassins for political purposes. Bill Clinton apologized for MKULTRA. The program has continued under another name. Jim Marrs wrote about all this in his best-selling book The Rise of the 4th Reich.

The heads of Mental Health are sata-sts. The National Institute for Mental Health was run by Dr. Robert Hanna Felix, who was head of psychiatric research for 32nd level masonry, and head of MKULTRA.  I have seen the handbook to 32nd level Scottish Rite masonry. It was written by Albert Pike, a sata-st. It says "we worship the Luciferian Principle, but we don't tell the lower levels this."  

Maybe God did not protect JFK because he did not have moral standing. It wasn't known then, by the american people, but revealed later, that he had serious issues with sexual immorality. Due to that, he DID NOT have moral standing to have God's protection. 

Sins that are hidden from others are not hidden from God. He sees everything. Nobody can fool him.

If Ron Paul is an honorable man, he would have more moral standing and supernatural protection to try to do the same things that JFK tried to do. 

The only alleged sins that have been brought up in his case are the newsletters in his name that included some inflammatory racist remarks. He has said repeatedly, he did not write those remarks and repudiated them. He has never been known to say anything consistent with those remarks. He says his mistake was not supervising the publication at the time, since he was preoccupied with a busy medical practice. His explanation is entirely plausible. With a 30 year reputation for integrity and principle in Congress we should have no reason not to take him at his word.

Why is the character and integrity of our leaders so important? Because their behavior can bring judgment on us if it is bad.

In the book of Joshua ch 7, one man brought judgment on the nation. He had stashed an 'accursed object'. Consequently, they were not able to stand against their enemies. 

Rudy Giuliani is an example of a leader bringing judgment on the group due to his sins. On his watch, 911 happened. The man was a flagrant adulterer, and he was also oppressing the poor. He had a policy of rounding up the homeless off the street into jails and mental hospitals. Both of these were sin in God's eyes.

Both would be enough reason for God to allow 911 to happen on his watch. Giuliani did not have moral standing as a leader to protect the city. He was no hero.

God gave him prostate cancer as judgment for his sexual sin, as a sign to him to repent. 

I know how God felt about the 2nd issue because on the night of the mayoral election between Giuliani's successor, Michael Bloomberg, & Mark Green, I was in an office on LI. I flipped on the tv at ll:30 pm and watched the news anchors saying the election was too close to call.

God then spoke to me and said "Go to Times Square to Bloomberg's campaign office & prophecy to him to change his policies toward the homeless from what Giuliani had been doing."

Evidently, God knew Bloomberg was going to win. He knew the future. 

I didn't do it then, probably because I wasn't entirely sure if it was God talking to me or a lying demonic spirit.I was in an office that had all kinds of books that brought oppression that I could feel, so I wasn't sure.

God speaks to all of us in our thoughts.

Thoughts come to us from the spiritual realm. The word "inspiration" means "a spirit goes into it". The book of James, ch 3 says there is "wisdom from above and wisdom from below".

God talks to us thru the Holy Spirit which has been on the earth for 2000 years, since Jesus sent it from Heaven.

Demons can also talk to us, if we give them a spiritual opening thru sin, or from something in our environment. 

All drugs that affect the mind are openings for lying spirits; this includes caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, pot, lsd etc & all psych meds. Also, bad books, music, tv, symbols, art or occult objects would be an opening for demonic spirits.

Whatever spirit "inspires" a book, record, etc will be transmitted by that medium to the listener, reader etc. Even just having the object near one is an opening for demonic oppression. When the thing is removed, it leaves.

All diseases, both mental & physical, are caused by demonic spirits whose assignments are those diseases.

Jesus healed people by rebuking them and gave his followers authority to do it by praying in his name. I have done it. I have rebuked canc-, astha-, depress- and been healed.

We need to act in faith, and vote our conscience, not vote for those we "think would win". This is a time to act in faith, not pragmatism. The bible says to "live by faith, not sight".  (Someone once gave me this message prophetically).

"The Just shall live by faith" Galatians 3"11

Whatever we can imagine, we can bring into reality through faith, if we have the moral standing to do so.

The bible says "without faith it is impossible to please God." Hebrews 11:6

Repent of Ignorance and Seek God

The prophet Hosea said "my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge" Hosea 4:6

He meant knowledge of God, not French or math. As a secular society we are collectively ignorant of the ways of God and knowing who he is and what He wants from us. That is the problem. 

They don't teach the bible in the public schools anymore. The majority of people do NOT go to church, or read it and so are ignorant of what is in it. 

Most Jews don't read the New Testament, so they are woefully ignorant of the gift of forgiveness offered by God through Jesus Christ. 

The Old Testament prophets Said God would make a new covenant, but most Jews have not only not read the New Testament, they have not read the Old Testament.

Ignorance is NOT a blessing. It is costly.

Jeremiah 31:31 says God will make a NEW COVENANT with the Jews, where He will forgive their sins.

Isaiah 53 explicitly describes one man as the atoning sacrifice for the sins of everyone.

"For the sins of  My people he was stricken…My righteous servant shall justify many, for he shall bear their sins. .. By his stripes we are healed"

 The last part, means that healing is available to people who look to Jesus. That is good news. When Hosea said people are destroyed for lack of knowledge, this includes physical suffering that can be avoided if people seek and know God's truth.

Jesus healed multitudes of people as a testimony to who he was, the savior. The Holy Spirit heals today when we pray in Jesus name, for the same purpose, as a testimony to the fact that Jesus is the savior.

Jesus gave his followers authority to do it, and told them to heal the sick. It works; I have rebuked illnesses in Jesus name and been healed. 

God is free, makes no mistakes and has no side effects. 

It is not costly like health-care. Faith in god is not only wise, and necessary for salvation, it is pragmatic. 

Jesus said to worship God in Spirit and Truth.  John 4:24

The bible  says to "Prove all things, hold fast that which is good."  1 Thessalonians 5:21

We live in a contaminated world. Truth is mixed with lies, nearly everywhere. We need to sift through it. It is not sufficient to worship God in ignorance, God has told us He doesn't approve of that. And it is not effective. He does not bless ignorance with his power, his annointing, his presence and answers to prayer.

Churches that deny the literal truth of the the bible grieve the spirit of God, and as a result he does NOT move with power in those places. So they don't get healed, and don't have faith for healing or think God is not real. This is all due to their own sin of ignorance and unbelief. When they repent of that, God moves with power.

It is when we acknowledge our sins that God moves with power to forgive us and heal us

I know this from experience.

Years ago I got a sexual disease after sleeping with someone. I repented, and felt heat go through my body. As it did, God said to me (in my thoughts) "Don't do it again or it will return". I didn't and it didn't. That was 20 years ago.

Jesus said the same thing. He told a man that he healed "go and sin no more, or a worse thing will come upon you. John 5:14

People need to stop debating whether there is a God and instead cry out to him from their hearts to reveal himself. He does it all the time, but a lot of people aren't sure if it is him. 

It is as ridiculous as if you were standing in a room and people around you were having a debate as to whether you even exist. All they would have to do is look and talk to you, and you would answer. 

It is the same with God. If we talk to him, He will answer us. He talks to us in our thoughts, through reading the bible and prophetically through others. He also talks to us in dreams. When I asked God if it was true that Jesus is the messiah, I had a dream with 2 scriptures, which when I read them, clearly answered the question. (Jeremiah 31:31 & Zecharia 12-14)

Reading the bible is one way to figure this out.

It is a history book that tells us how God has communicated in the past, and what he wants from us and for us. 

Only read the King James bible,  because the others are corrupted and lack authority. They have changed a lot of words and removed things and this grieves the Holy Spirit. It is misleading, and sin. God will not bless it with his presence the same way. God's spirit will dwell on his word, when it is not corrupted. We can feel His supernatural peace as we read the right translation.

It makes no sense for every human born to re-invent the wheel. History is there for all of us to learn from. The bible is a history book. It was written years ago because people years ago had the same questions we have. 

So God answered them. Before looking for a new revelation, read what has already been revealed to humanity.

Proverbs says "a wise man does not judge a matter until he hears it." 

So having an opinion on something based on ignorance is not wise. All opinions are not equal. Opinions based on ignorance are not equal to opinions based on someone making the effort to seek out the truth. That is just laziness. And laziness is considered by God to be a sin.

God has said to us "If you seek me with all your heart and soul and mind you will find me."

He wants us to make the effort at finding out the truth and creating the relationship with Him that He seeks, and that we, deep in our hearts, also seek. 

Knowledge is power. That means knowledge of God is power. Power to achieve our goals and live the life we were created to live. 

It says in Jeremiah that God knew us in the womb. That means He has plans for us before we were born. If we don't make the effort to discover it, we can miss out on that destiny. That would be tragic both individually and collectively.

No person is an island. Our individual destinies and collective destinies are intertwined. Spiritually we are interconnected.

God talks to all of us in our thoughts. 

Our conscience is God. Many people do not realize when God is talking to them or guiding them. We need to be consciously aware of the relationship and pursue it. Otherwise we can miss cues and warnings that God gives us, with sometimes heavy consequences. 

When I reflect on my life, I can see that God has sent people to give me messages to guide me, to warn me to avoid a potential mistake. He always sent at least l witness to warn me. I submit that He does this with others as well.

It seems that God will always send at least one witness to warn us; often 2 or 3 saying the same thing if necessary. Leviticus says to let everything be established by 2 or 3 witnesses. I used to notice that when I evangelized on the street, and was talking to a non-believer, God would always bring another believer as a 2nd witness to testify to the person.

It is clear to me from Hindsight that had I realized at the time that it WAS God guiding me, I would have avoided some serious mistakes. I share this to warn others not to make the same mistake. The way to avoid this is by making knowledge of God and following God a priority.

Seek God. Know Him by reading the bible, the history book in which He has revealed himself, and talk with him in your thoughts. He will talk back to you, in your thoughts, by the Holy Spirit. 

The Holy Spirit has been on the earth for 2000 years since Jesus sent it from Heaven. It is the Spirit of Truth. It also comforts and guides us. 

Repent of willful ignorance and laziness and make the effort. 

We're running out of time.

Not only does this country need to be born again, each person individually needs to be born again. 

Jesus said "unless ye be born again, ye will not see the kingdom of God" John 3:3.

Being born again means a spiritual rebirth. It means being filled with the Holy Spirit.

To be saved, and born again, a person needs to repent of their sins, accept Jesus as savior, get baptized in water in Jesus name for the remission of sins and pray to be filled with the Holy Spirit. 

When we get baptized, our sins are washed away. The heaviness of our sins lifts. It is palpable.

Jesus said "unless ye be born of the water and born of the spirit, ye will not see the kingdom of Heaven" John 3:5

This country needs a spiritual awakening. Individually and collectively we need to be reborn. 

The symbolism of an obstetrician running for president is that God is using him to say to all of us: we need to be reborn. If we are reborn spiritually individually, then the society will be reborn and we will be worthy of the constitution that was entrusted to us.

God uses people prophetically both by their words and actions. Ron Paul has been a prophetic witness in Congress for 20 years, saying REMEMBER the CONSTITUTION.

The fact that he IS an obstetrician is God's way of using him symbolically to say to us

"REMEMBER GOD. You need to be born again.I am giving you the man to help you do it." 

He can help rebirth us as a moral society and the constitutional republic that we were created as by the founding fathers. 

I think God is saying to us; if you repent of your sins and get reborn I will give you a leader who will affirm the constitution that guarantees you liberty. If we don't repent, we will get the leader we deserve, or the judgment we deserve. 

The candidacy of Ron Paul is God's way of giving us a choice to re-affirm our spiritual values and reclaim a moral society.

Our individual and collective destinies are intertwined. The choices we make affect ourselves, each other and our future generations. We need to choose carefully. 

God uses prophets to judge people. To be a witness, see how they respond, and then judge them accordingly. 

Ron Paul says "Re-affirm the constitution. If we vote for him, that is our way of saying we agree with him. That the constitution is important to us. 

If we don't that will be our way of saying we are indifferent to the issue, in which case we will lose our constitutional rights, because we didn't fight for them.

Better Late than Never lyric written by DG and recorded in l985

Better late than never

I always used to say

we got as many chances

as hours in the day

We're hangin on, hangin' by a thread

Better late than never said

Cos its the last chance to write a new story

reclaim the glory of previous times

we got to try to do it together

people are never as bold as their lies

Hangin on hanging by a thread

Better late than never said

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