Wild Vines Wine Nutrition Information
- The calories differ per flavor. A sampling of Wild Vines wines from MyFitnessPal.com shows an average calorie count of 170 per 8oz glass. This can vary by variety. For, example Wild Vines Strawberry Zinfandel has just 150 calories per glass. Passion blend reports 160 calories. None of the wines shown on this website exceed 170 calories per glass.
- As with calories, total carbohydrates will vary by flavor. On average, the total carbs are in the low to mid 20's. Wild Vines Raspberry Zinfandel has 21g carbohydrates. Frutezia Sunshine Blend contains 23g per 8oz glass. Other offerings from Wild Vines include Blackberry Merlot with 25g of carbohydrates, Passion Blend with 23g and Strawberry Zinfandel with just 20g
- Sodium is a concern for many people, especially those who must deal with high blood pressure. Some of the wine blends from Wild Vines do not contain sodium. These include Raspberry Zinfandel and Fruit Passion Blend. Wines to be cautious of if monitoring sodium intake are the Sunshine Blend with 35mg of sodium and Strawberry Zinfandel with 5mg. If you are on a salt restricted diet, check with you doctor before drinking any wine. Read the labels on the bottle to make sodium-free selections.
- There is little in the way of nutritional value in Wild Vine wines. They contain no vitamins or minerals, little or no dietary fiber or protein and tend to be high in sugars. The average sugar content ranges for 17g to 21g. On the plus side, the wines also contain no fat content. If taking a prescription medication, talk to your doctor to ensure you can drink alcohol, even wine.