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3 Steps You Must Follow to Hire a Great Internet Marketing Consultant!

Internet marketing is a new frontier for many business owners, yet it is one filled with so much promise that you would be foolish not to consider online marketing strategies for your business.
In this article I want to share with you a few things to look for in a marketing consultant; specifically three steps you can use to make sure you hire the best consultant possible! 1.
Hire someone locally.
This makes the most sense if you operate an offline business and are looking to expand online.
You want someone that you can meet with and discuss marketing options.
If you run a purely online business then it is okay to have someone from outside of the region.
For instance, I operate my business out of the Atlanta, Georgia area but I actually have some clients in other states.
Find someone that can provide the services that you need.
Most of the time when you hire a business consultant you should hand the reigns over to them.
Your expertise is running your business, so let a marketing consultant be the one that is in charge of marketing is effectively.
Ask your marketing consultant about pricing structure.
I prefer to work on a per project basis, unless someone just wants a phone consultation.
This protects both the business owner and the marketing consultant, because the consultant will estimate the time to complete the job, and the business owner will never have to pay any over time fees.
For phone consulting I charge a flat rate, which is $85 per hour.
If you are thinking of hiring an online business consultant then it is a good idea to talk with the person via phone or email before scheduling a meeting.
Never work with a consultant who is not willing to talk with you 1 on 1 before starting a project.

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