Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

How a Divorce Begins

No one gets married with the intention of divorcing.
Most of us want to stay married once we take that leap of faith.
We all started with great love stories with our spouses, with great connection and faith in each other.
Often, though, those love stories go off track and need adjusting.
But just because you're having problems doesn't mean it has to end in divorce.
But to know how to prevent a divorce, you must first learn how a divorce begins.
When your love story turns into anger and turmoil, you've got problems that can lead to divorce.
Divorce may seem like the easy way out, but if you both still love each other, you'll want to find a way to get the love back.
You both MUST BE WILLING to save your marriage for it to be saved! Saving your marriage is not easy and will require work from you and your spouse, but the alternative is much worse in most cases.
If there's still any love or pleasure between the two of you, you have a good chance of making it.
First, you must start communicating with each other.
Take off your armor and loosen your defenses.
Be vulnerable and show your spouse how much he or she means to you.
Listen to what your spouse says.
Forgive any past transgressions from your spouse and resolve to avoid the same mistakes in the future.
Finally, learn to compromise with one another and to do it happily.
This is the key to saving your marriage.
Remember that marriage is a two-way street and that there are times when one of you will need special attention for some reason or other.
A job loss, a death in the family, personal disappointments, illness or depression, or simply being grumpy by dealing with mean people in the world mean you need extra attention from your spouse and your spouse should be willing to offer this.
You must do the same for your spouse when he or she is in need.
Take a hard look at the problems that brought you to the brink of divorce.
Figure out what led to these problems, what you could have done differently that would not have led to this situation.
Learn from your mistakes and don't repeat them.
Know how a divorce begins and its reasons in your family.
Then, you'll have a chance of avoiding one and saving your relationship.

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