Teachings From the Honeybee - 10 Ways to Increase Happiness at Work
Before I became a self-employed business owner and mother of a preschooler I worked for a non-profit organization, gathering knowledge, multitasking, and wearing many hats to contribute to the survival of the "hive.
" I could easily relate-as I still can now-to the dedicated life of the honeybee.
The calling of a worker bee is guided by the instinct to protect and ensure the continuing growth of the colony.
Worker bees carry out a variety of tasks that involve protecting the brood and gathering pollen to feed the young bees and the drones (male bees).
Outside the queen bee, there are at least 14+ different types of "jobs" that worker bees take on for the benefit of the colony.
Even when the bees migrate to a new location, they will change roles to quickly establish their new home.
Each bee's role is efficiently designed to ensure not only colony survival, but is also extremely significant to us as nearly the entire world's food supply depends mostly on crop pollination by honey bees, whether directly eaten or used as forage crops for animals that produce milk and meat.
In a way, the industrious little bee is a supervisor's dream, a shining example of instinct, efficiency, adaptation, and loyalty to the "colony.
" But more importantly, we can appreciate its value and lesson, and take our cue in finding ways to increase happiness at work-as inspired by the devoted life of a honeybee...
For some, this could mean it's time for a change, don't be afraid of this! Perhaps you can relate to the "forager" worker bee and take flight in order to locate new, rich sources of pollen.
In other words, take in this new perspective, bolster your support system and follow your calling!
" I could easily relate-as I still can now-to the dedicated life of the honeybee.
The calling of a worker bee is guided by the instinct to protect and ensure the continuing growth of the colony.
Worker bees carry out a variety of tasks that involve protecting the brood and gathering pollen to feed the young bees and the drones (male bees).
Outside the queen bee, there are at least 14+ different types of "jobs" that worker bees take on for the benefit of the colony.
Even when the bees migrate to a new location, they will change roles to quickly establish their new home.
Each bee's role is efficiently designed to ensure not only colony survival, but is also extremely significant to us as nearly the entire world's food supply depends mostly on crop pollination by honey bees, whether directly eaten or used as forage crops for animals that produce milk and meat.
In a way, the industrious little bee is a supervisor's dream, a shining example of instinct, efficiency, adaptation, and loyalty to the "colony.
" But more importantly, we can appreciate its value and lesson, and take our cue in finding ways to increase happiness at work-as inspired by the devoted life of a honeybee...
- Honey bees are usually most active during the warmer months.
I've mentioned this before, but it's worth repeating.
Pay attention to your peak energy times to boost valuable productivity, is your mind most efficient in the morning, or after lunch? Find out, and tackle the more comprehensive projects during these times. - Each bee's role is necessary to the success of the colony.
Recognize that you have the job because you make a difference in the work you are assigned; take the time to write down and see the significance in your role and how the end result is accomplished because of your input! - Honey is a secondary food source for bees.
Take the focus off the money or prestige.
Altering your perspective in this capacity can impact your job-related relationships and outlook.
It will more clearly define what environment sincerely motivates your true calling vs.
a job. - When the colony moves, even the bees mix it up a little.
How can you mix up your work routine a little? If you're not sure, just try anything at first-start off with tea vs.
coffee, and more creative solutions will follow.
Begin your morning with important phone calls, then work on that proposal or lesson plan.
Or, take it a step further and create a new atmosphere in your office space.
- Modern hives enable beekeepers to transport bees, moving from field to field as crops need pollinating.
Find ways to adapt to company changes, difficult personalities, or seize these opportunities to spin your relations into something more positive that showcase your strengths.
- Bee colonies have organization and task delegation down, workers bees take on specific jobs for smooth sailing.
Determine where you can be more resourceful and efficient in managing or organizing your work load to keep from feeling overwhelmed, or avoiding job burn out. - Difficult co-workers? Empower yourself, not them!What approach haven't you tried to connect with them? Be thoughtful about an alternative way to communicate with him/her.
Or try to avoid them if possible, express your concerns, or ignore their attempts to rile you.
Even the Africanized-honey bees have hybridized and been re-domesticated into high-yielding bees for Brazilian beekeepers.
- Happiness is a choice.
Even if you are not happy at your job, be happy in how you do it.
What simple components can you bring or apply to create positive feelings or actions into your work space? Honeybees communicate distance and direction of pollen sources by dancing.
- In some cultures, honey bees signify immortality and resurrection.
Don't let your job define you.
See it as a calling that reflects your core values in the quality of work you put out.
How will you demonstrate this at work? - Bees will kill a queen perceived as intruding or defective.
Focus on the positive aspects of your job, there are plenty of others would love to "bee" in your position.
How does your position contribute to the greater good, the bigger picture that connects us? What new talents will you apply to your current position to make this impact greater?
For some, this could mean it's time for a change, don't be afraid of this! Perhaps you can relate to the "forager" worker bee and take flight in order to locate new, rich sources of pollen.
In other words, take in this new perspective, bolster your support system and follow your calling!